sqfentity_gen 1.2.1 copy "sqfentity_gen: ^1.2.1" to clipboard
sqfentity_gen: ^1.2.1 copied to clipboard


SqfnEntity Model Generator. SQLite ORM for Flutter lets you build and execute SQL commands easily and quickly with the help of fluent methods similar to .Net Entity Framework.

1.2.1 #

1- added equalsOrNull keyword for queries Example:

// this query lists only isActive=false 
final productList = await Product().select().isActive.not.equals(true).toList();

// but this query lists isActive=false and isActive is null both
final productList = await Product().select().isActive.not.equalsOrNull(true).toList();

2- you must define customCodes property of your SqfEntityTable constant for ex:

const tablePerson = SqfEntityTable(
tableName: 'person',
primaryKeyName: 'id',
primaryKeyType: PrimaryKeyType.integer_auto_incremental,
fields: [
    SqfEntityField('firstName', DbType.text),
    SqfEntityField('lastName', DbType.text),
customCodes: '''
    String fullName()
    return '\$firstName \$lastName';

1.2.0+13 #

modified isSaved property and to be removed when not needed

1.2.0+12 #

bugs fixed getById(id) -> id is null then return null instead exception and fixed .isNull() throws the exception

1.2.0+11 #

Converting the first character of fieldName to lowercase has been cancelled. Users should specify the field name as they wants

1.2.0+9 #

Added Form Generation Feature, and minValue, maxValue propery for datetime fields and fixed some bugs. Example:

@SqfEntityBuilderForm(tableCategory, formListTitleField: 'name', hasSubItems: true)
const tableCategory = SqfEntityTable(
    tableName: 'category',
    primaryKeyName: 'id',
    primaryKeyType: PrimaryKeyType.integer_auto_incremental,
    useSoftDeleting: true,
    // when useSoftDeleting is true, creates a field named 'isDeleted' on the table, and set to '1' this field when item deleted (does not hard delete)
        null, // SqfEntity will set it to TableName automatically when the modelName (class name) is null
    // declare fields
    fields: [
    SqfEntityField('name', DbType.text),
    SqfEntityField('isActive', DbType.bool, defaultValue: true),
    SqfEntityField('date1', DbType.datetime, defaultValue: 'DateTime.now()', minValue: '2019-01-01', maxValue: '2023-01-01'),
    SqfEntityField('date2', DbType.datetime,  minValue: '2020-01-01', maxValue: '2022-01-01')

1.1.1+3 #

fixed the build error after defining multiple referance (RelationShip) to the same table

1.1.1+1 #

added saveResult property Note: You must re-generate your models after updating the package


final product = Product(
    name: 'Notebook 12"',
    description: '128 GB SSD i7',
    price: 6899,
    categoryId: 1);
await product.save();

print(product.saveResult.success); // bool (true/false)
print(product.saveResult.toString()); // String (message)

1.1.0+5 #

bugfix SequenceManager error on multi database

1.1.0+4 #

added unknown (text) dbType for unrecognized columns

1.1.0+3 #

added Date (Small Date) dbType

    SqfEntityField('birthDate', DbType.date),

1.1.0+2 #

added DateTime dbType

    SqfEntityField('birthDate', DbType.datetime),

1.1.0+1 #

modified sqlite dbType mapping

1.1.0 #

merged package with sqfentity_base

1.0.3+5 #

removed analyzer from dependencies

1.0.3+4 #

added FormBuilder

1.0.3+3 #

removed FormBuilder

1.0.3+2 #

added analyzer 0.38.2

1.0.3+1 #

sqfentity_base exported to sqfentity_base 1.0.1 package

1.0.2+4 #

Blob type mapped as Uint8List instead String

1.0.2 #

Added function to generate model from existing database

1.0.1 #

sqfentity_base moved into this package

1.0.0+7 #

some required changes applied

1.0.0+6 #

  • Initial publish This package required for sqfentity_gen ORM for Flutter code generator Includes SqfEntity base classes and Annotation Classes
pub points


verified publisherhuseyintokpinar.com

SqfnEntity Model Generator. SQLite ORM for Flutter lets you build and execute SQL commands easily and quickly with the help of fluent methods similar to .Net Entity Framework.

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (LICENSE)


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