sqfentity 1.0.4 copy "sqfentity: ^1.0.4" to clipboard
sqfentity: ^1.0.4 copied to clipboard


SqfEntity ORM for Flutter/Dart lets you build and execute SQL commands easily and quickly with the help of fluent methods similar to .Net Entity Framework.


import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

// STEP 1: import sqfentity package.
import 'package:sqfentity/sqfentity.dart';

// STEP 2: define your tables as shown in the example Classes below.
// Define the 'TableCategory' sample table as extended from 'SqfEntityTable'.
class TableCategory extends SqfEntityTable {
  TableCategory() {
    // declare properties of EntityTable
    tableName = 'category';
    modelName =
        null; // If the modelName (class name) is null then EntityBase uses TableName instead of modelName
    primaryKeyName = 'id';
    primaryKeyType = PrimaryKeyType.integer_auto_incremental;
    useSoftDeleting = true;

    // declare fields
    fields = [
      SqfEntityField('name', DbType.text),
      SqfEntityField('isActive', DbType.bool, defaultValue: 'true')

  static SqfEntityTable _instance;
  static SqfEntityTable get getInstance {
    if (_instance == null) {
      _instance = TableCategory();
    return _instance;

// Define the 'TableProduct'  sample table as extended from 'SqfEntityTable'.
class TableProduct extends SqfEntityTable {
  TableProduct() {
    // declare properties of EntityTable
    tableName = 'product';
    primaryKeyName = 'id';
    primaryKeyType = PrimaryKeyType.integer_auto_incremental;
    useSoftDeleting = true;
    // when useSoftDeleting is true, creates a field named 'isDeleted' on the table, and set to '1' this field when item deleted (does not hard delete)

    // declare fields
    fields = [
      SqfEntityField('name', DbType.text),
      SqfEntityField('description', DbType.text),
      SqfEntityField('price', DbType.real, defaultValue: '0'),
      SqfEntityField('isActive', DbType.bool, defaultValue: 'true'),
      SqfEntityFieldRelationship(TableCategory.getInstance, DeleteRule.CASCADE,
          defaultValue: '0'), // Relationship column for CategoryId of Product
      SqfEntityField('rownum', DbType.integer, sequencedBy: SequenceIdentity() /* Example of linking a column to a sequence */),
      SqfEntityField('imageUrl', DbType.text)
  static SqfEntityTable _instance;
  static SqfEntityTable get getInstance {
    if (_instance == null) {
      _instance = TableProduct();
    return _instance;

class TableTodo extends SqfEntityTable {
  TableTodo() {
    // declare properties of EntityTable
    tableName = 'todos';
    modelName =
        null; // when the modelName (class name) is null then EntityBase uses TableName instead of modelName
    primaryKeyName = 'id';
    useSoftDeleting =
        false; // when useSoftDeleting is true, creates a field named 'isDeleted' on the table, and set to '1' this field when item deleted (does not hard delete)
    primaryKeyType = PrimaryKeyType.integer_unique;
    defaultJsonUrl =
        'https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos'; // optional: to synchronize your table with json data from webUrl

    // declare fields
    fields = [
      SqfEntityField('userId', DbType.integer),
      SqfEntityField('title', DbType.text),
      SqfEntityField('completed', DbType.bool, defaultValue: 'false')

  static SqfEntityTable _instance;
  static SqfEntityTable get getInstance {
    if (_instance == null) {
      _instance = TableTodo();
    return _instance;

class SequenceIdentity extends SqfEntitySequence {
  SequenceIdentity() {
    sequenceName = 'identity';
    maxValue = 10;     /* optional. default is max int (9.223.372.036.854.775.807) */
    cycle = true;      /* optional. default is false; */
    //minValue = 0;    /* optional. default is 0 */
    //incrementBy = 1; /* optional. default is 1 */
    // startWith = 0;  /* optional. default is 0 */
  static SequenceIdentity _instance;
  static SequenceIdentity get getInstance {
    if (_instance == null) {
      _instance = SequenceIdentity();
    return _instance;

// STEP 2: Create your Database Model to be extended from SqfEntityModel
// Note: SqfEntity provides support for the use of multiple databases. So you can create many Database Models and use them in the application.
class MyDbModel extends SqfEntityModel {
  MyDbModel() {
    databaseName = 'sampleORM.db';
    // put defined tables into the list. ex: [TableProduct.getInstance, TableCategory.getInstance]
    databaseTables = [
    // put defined sequence into the sequences list.
    sequences = [SequenceIdentity.getInstance];

    bundledDatabasePath =
        null; //'assets/sample.db'; // This value is optional. When bundledDatabasePath is empty then EntityBase creats a new database when initializing the database
    customImports = "import 'MyDbModel.dart';";

void main(List<String> args) async {
  // 1- creates a simple  Model named product and sets the clipboard for paste into your models.dart file
  // This function sets the Clipboard text that includes your classes
  // After debugging, press Ctrl+V to paste the model from the Clipboard
  // That's all.. You can paste your model in your .dart file by pressing Ctrl+V for PC or Command+V for Mac and reference it where you wish to use.

  // 2- run Entity Model samples
  // ATTENTION! when the software/app is started, you must check the database was it initialized.
  // If needed, initilizeDb method runs CREATE / ALTER TABLE query for you.
  final bool isInitialized = await MyDbModel().initializeDB();
  if (isInitialized == false) {
    // If the database is not initialized, something went wrong. Check DEBUG CONSOLE for alerts
    // TO DO
pub points


verified publisherhuseyintokpinar.com

SqfEntity ORM for Flutter/Dart lets you build and execute SQL commands easily and quickly with the help of fluent methods similar to .Net Entity Framework.

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flutter, path, sqflite, synchronized


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