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Simple and lightweight Analytics and Crash Reporting abstraction.

Simplytics (Simple analytics) #

Simple and lightweight Analytics and Crash Reporting abstraction.

Simplytics is a simple abstraction for analytics and crash reports that allows you to connect several different analytics and error monitoring services such as Firebase Analytics and Crashlytics, as well as simple logging of events to the system log.

Features #

  • Easily add a new analytics/error monitoring service or replace an already added one without any changes in the application, only changes in the Simplytics settings
  • Send reports on transitions between routes and events to several different analytics services at once
  • Send crash and error reports to several error monitoring services at once
  • Easily debug events and send them to the system log
  • Easily connect new analytics and error monitoring services
  • Easily connect Firebase Analytics and Crashlytics using simplytics_firebase package

Table of Contents #

Getting started #

To start using Simplytics, you need to configure it, specify which classes of analytics and error monitoring services to use:

  analyticsService: SimplyticsDebugAnalyticsService(),
  crashlogService: SimplyticsDebugCrashlogService(),

Attention! These setup needs to be done before runApp():

void main() {
    analyticsService: SimplyticsDebugAnalyticsService(),
    crashlogService: SimplyticsDebugCrashlogService(),

  runApp(const MyApp());

You can use more than one service for both analytics and error monitoring. To do this, you need to wrap them in groups:

  analyticsService: SimplyticsAnalyticsServiceGroup([
  crashlogService: SimplyticsCrashlogServiceGroup([

For Firebase Analytics and Crashlytics, you can use pre-built service classes from the simplytics_firebase package:

  analyticsService: SimplyticsFirebaseAnalyticsService(FirebaseAnalytics.instance),
  crashlogService: SimplyticsFirebaseCrashlogService(FirebaseCrashlytics.instance),

If you wish to catch all Dart and Flutter errors and exceptions and send them to the error monitoring system, you can do so by wrapping runApp() in a zone and assigning FlutterError.onError:

void main() {
  runZonedGuarded<Future<void>>(() async {

    FlutterError.onError = (FlutterErrorDetails details) {
      // Send to Zone handler
      Zone.current.handleUncaughtError(details.exception, details.stack ?? StackTrace.current);

      analyticsService: SimplyticsDebugAnalyticsService(),
      crashlogService: SimplyticsDebugCrashlogService(),

    runApp(const MyApp());
  }, Simplytics.crashlog.recordFatalError);

Usage #

Sending events #

To send events to analytics services, you can use the logEvent method of the object: 'button_tapped');

You can pass parameters to the event in the Map<String, Object>: 'product_details', parameters: {'id': 1, 'name': 'Product 1'});

You can clear all analytics data on a device with resetAnalyticsData:;

Track transitions between routes #

To track navigation between routes, you can use the SimplyticsNavigatorObserver observer in your application:

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {

  // Creating an instance of the Simplytics observer
  static SimplyticsNavigatorObserver simplyticsObserver = SimplyticsNavigatorObserver();

  const MyApp({super.key});

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      title: 'Simplytics Demo',
      theme: ThemeData(
        primarySwatch: Colors.teal,
      home: const DemoPage(),

      // Passing an instance of the Simplytics observer
      navigatorObservers: <NavigatorObserver>[simplyticsObserver],


The observer will send events to the analytics service when the current active ModalRoute changes.

You can configure the extraction of the route name from RouteSettings using the nameExtractor parameter, as well as filter transitions between which routes will be automatically sent to the analytics service using the routeFilter parameter.

You can also manually dispatch route entry and exit events using the routeStart and routeEnd methods of the object:'Login Screen');
...'Login Screen');

Sending errors to the error monitoring service #

You can send error information to the error monitoring service using the recordError() method of the Simplytics.crashlog object:

Simplytics.crashlog.recordError('Entity not found.', StackTrace.current, reason: 'NotFoundException');

Set user identity and custom properties #

You can store the user identity to the analytics and error monitoring services using the setUserId method of the corresponding objects:'user_1');

You can also add custom properties and keys to the analytics and error monitoring services using the setUserProperty and setCustomKey methods:

// Setting a user property for an analytics service 'prop1', value: 'value1');

// Setting a custom key for the error monitoring service
Simplytics.crashlog.setCustomKey('test_key', 'test_value');

Debugging analytics events and error reporting #

To debug events, you can use the SimplyticsDebugAnalyticsService and SimplyticsDebugCrashlogService service classes, which output analytics events and error reports to the system log in debug compilation mode (kDebugMode):

  analyticsService: SimplyticsAnalyticsServiceGroup([
    // Sending events to system log in kDebugMode

  crashlogService: SimplyticsCrashlogServiceGroup([
    // Sending events to system log in kDebugMode


This behavior can be configured using the constructor parameter of these classes:

// Always send events to system log

Creating your own analytics and error monitoring service classes #

For your own or any other analytics and error monitoring services, you can create your own service classes and use them in Simplytics.setup().

Your own analytics service class #

To create your own class for the analytics service, you need to extend the SimplyticsAnalyticsInterface interface.

Here is an example implementation of an analytics service class for Firebase Analytics (but you can use a pre-built class from the simplytics_firebase package):

class CustomFirebaseAnalyticsService extends SimplyticsAnalyticsInterface {
  final FirebaseAnalytics analytics;


  bool _enabled = true;

  Future<void> logEvent({required String name, Map<String, Object?>? parameters}) {
    return analytics.logEvent(name: name, parameters: parameters);

  Future<void> resetAnalyticsData() {
    return analytics.resetAnalyticsData();

  Future<void> routeStart({required String name, String? screenClassOverride}) {
    return analytics.setCurrentScreen(screenName: name, screenClassOverride: screenClassOverride ?? 'Flutter');

  Future<void> routeEnd({required String name}) async {}

  Future<void> setUserId(String? id) {
    return analytics.setUserId(id: id);

  Future<void> setUserProperty({required String name, required String? value}) {
    return analytics.setUserProperty(name: name, value: value);

  bool get isEnabled => _enabled;

  Future<void> setEnabled(bool enabled) {
    _enabled = enabled;
    return analytics.setAnalyticsCollectionEnabled(enabled);

Your own error monitoring service class #

To create your own class for the crash monitoring service, you need to extend the SimplyticsCrashlogInterface interface.

Here is an example implementation of the Firebase Crashlytics error monitoring service class (but you can use the pre-built class from the simplytics_firebase package):

class CustomFirebaseCrashlogService extends SimplyticsCrashlogInterface {
  final FirebaseCrashlytics crashlytics;


  Future<void> log(String message) {
    return crashlytics.log(message);

  Future<void> recordError(exception, StackTrace? stackTrace, {reason, bool fatal = false}) {
    return crashlytics.recordError(exception, stackTrace, reason: reason, fatal: fatal);

  Future<void> setCustomKey(String key, Object value) {
    return crashlytics.setCustomKey(key, value);

  Future<void> setUserId(String identifier) {
    return crashlytics.setUserIdentifier(identifier);

  bool get isEnabled => crashlytics.isCrashlyticsCollectionEnabled;

  Future<void> setEnabled(bool enabled) => crashlytics.setCrashlyticsCollectionEnabled(enabled);

Analytics events with type safe parameters #

You can create your own event classes with type safe parameters and use them when dispatching events: 7));

To do this, extend the SimplyticsEvent class and implement its getEventData method:

class PostScoreEvent extends SimplyticsEvent {
  final int score;
  final int level;
  final String? character;

  PostScoreEvent({required this.score, this.level = 1, this.character});

  SimplyticsEventData getEventData(SimplyticsAnalyticsInterface service) => SimplyticsEventData(
    name: 'post_score',
    parameters: {
      'score': score,
      'level': level,
      'character': character,

It is possible to send different events for different analytics services with a different set of parameters by checking the type of the service parameter:

class PostScoreEvent extends SimplyticsEvent {
  final int score;
  final int level;
  final String? character;

  PostScoreEvent({required this.score, this.level = 1, this.character});

  SimplyticsEventData getEventData(SimplyticsAnalyticsInterface service) {
    if (service is SimplyticsFirebaseAnalyticsService) {
      return SimplyticsEventData(
        name: 'post_score',
        parameters: {
          'score': score,
          'level': level,
          'character': character,
    } else {
      return SimplyticsEventData(
        name: 'game_score',
        parameters: {
          'scoreValue': score,
          'gameLevel': level,
          'characterName': character,
pub points



Simple and lightweight Analytics and Crash Reporting abstraction.

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BSD-3-Clause (LICENSE)




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