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A search page built for minimal work and good performance. Enjoy.

search_app_bar_page #

A Flutter package to give you a simple search page.

Translation Em PortuguΓͺs

Introduction #

This package was built to generate a complete and reactive search screen with the best possible facility. It is based on another package. Open here = > search_app_bar (by - [email protected]). There you have the details of the search_app_bar functions. With the changes here, you do not need to extend the controller class, but just pass the base list to be filtered or insert the stream that returns your list to be filtered. In this case, there is already a StreamBuilder to do the background treatment. Unfortunately, I was unable to update the basic package, as Rodolfo has not handled the package for more than 01 year and has not responded to my request for changes by email.


✷ The page is divided between
  • BODY de um Scaffold.

Required parameters #

We have four pages:

SearchAppBarPage, SearchAppBarPageStream, SearchAppBarPagination and SimpleAppBarPage

πŸ”Ž SearchAppBarPage needs a list that is the complete list to be filtered and a function that is passed on to build the Widget depending on the filtered list. If you type the page, you need [stringFilter]. This is a function that receives the parameter T (type of list) and you choose it as the Return String from the object. As in the example below. It was typed as Person and returned This will be used to filter by the search query.

Tips #

The function [obxListBuilder] is inside an Obx. Place reactive verables into it.

✳️ There are two ways to add reactive variables.
  • Boot your controller into a StatefulWidget.

  • Pass the reactive variable inside this function [obxListBuilder] in SearchAppBarPage and SearchAppBarPageStream.

  • Add reactive authentication parameters. Insert your RxBool that changes with the authentication status to reactivity. The body will be rebuilt when authentication is false. Set [rxBoolAuth] to SearchAppBarPage, SearchAppBarPageStream and SearchAppBarPagination.

Example full for more details. Both examples in SearchAppBarPage. #

class SearchAppBarPage<T> extends StatefulWidget {

       /// Parameters para o SearcherGetController
       /// final List<T> listFull;
       @required this.listFull, 
        /// [listBuilder] Function applied when it is filtering in search.
       @required this.listBuilder,
        /// [stringFilter] Required if you type. 
       ///You should at least type with String.

πŸ”Ž SearchAppBarPage

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:search_app_bar_page/search_app_bar_page.dart';

class SearchPage extends StatelessWidget {

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    //return SearchAppBarPage<String>(
    return SearchAppBarPage<Person>(
      magnifyinGlassColor: Colors.white,
      searchAppBarcenterTitle: true,
      searchAppBarhintText: 'Pesquise um Nome',
      searchAppBartitle: Text(
        'Search Page',
        style: TextStyle(fontSize: 20),
      //listFull: dataList, // Lista String
      listFull: dataListPerson2,
      stringFilter: (Person person) =>,
      //sortCompare: false,
      filtersType: FiltersTypes.contains,
      listBuilder: (list, isModSearch) {
        // Rertorne seu widget com a lista para o body da page
        // Pode alterar a tela relacionando o tipo de procura
        return ListView.builder(
          itemCount: list.length,
          itemBuilder: (_, index) {
            return Card(
                margin: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 16, vertical: 4),
                shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(
                    borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(4)),
                // color: Theme.of(context).primaryColorDark,
                child: Padding(
                  padding: const EdgeInsets.all(14.0),
                  child: Row(
                    children: [
                        child: Text(
                          'Name: ${list[index].name}',
                          style: TextStyle(fontSize: 16),
                        child: Text(
                          'Age: ${list[index].age.toStringAsFixed(2)}',
                          style: TextStyle(fontSize: 12),

  final dataListPerson2 = <Person>[
    Person(name: 'Rafaela Pinho', age: 30),
    Person(name: 'Paulo Emilio Silva', age: 45),
    Person(name: 'Pedro Gomes', age: 18),
    Person(name: 'Orlando Guerra', age: 23),
    Person(name: 'Zacarias Triste', age: 15),
    Person(name: 'Antonio Rabelo', age: 33),
    Person(name: 'Leticia Maciel', age: 47),
    Person(name: 'Patricia Oliveira', age: 19),
    Person(name: 'Pedro Lima', age: 15),
    Person(name: 'Junior Rabelo', age: 33),
    Person(name: 'Lucia Maciel', age: 47),
    Person(name: 'Ana Oliveira', age: 19),
    Person(name: 'Thiago Silva', age: 33),
    Person(name: 'Charles Ristow', age: 47),
    Person(name: 'Raquel Montenegro', age: 19),
    Person(name: 'Rafael Peireira', age: 15),
    Person(name: 'Nome Comum', age: 33),

class Person {
  final String name;

  final int age;

  Person({, this.age});

  String toString() {
    return 'Person{name: $name, age: $age}';

πŸ”Ž SearchAppBarPageStream needs a stream that is already worked on, that is, there is already a Widget by default for error and waiting. You can modify them at will. You also need a function that is passed on to assemble the Widget that will be presented on the Body, depending on the filtered list. This is renewed by the natural flow of the stream and also by the search filtering.

class SearchAppBarPageStream<T> extends StatefulWidget {

    /// final Stream<List<T>> listStream;
    @required this.listStream, 
    ///final FunctionList<T> listBuilder; 
    /// Function applied when receiving data through Stream or filtering in search.
    @required this.listBuilder,
    /// [stringFilter] Required if you type. 
       ///You should at least type with String.
        // ...

πŸ”Ž SearchAppBarPageStream

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:search_app_bar_page/search_app_bar_page.dart';

// ignore: must_be_immutable
class SearchAppBarStream extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return SearchAppBarPageStream<Person>(
      magnifyinGlassColor: Colors.white,
      searchAppBarcenterTitle: true,
      searchAppBarhintText: 'Pesquise um Nome',
      searchAppBartitle: Text(
        'Search Stream Page',
        style: TextStyle(fontSize: 20),
      listStream: _streamListPerson,
      stringFilter: (Person person) =>,
      //sortCompare: false,
      filtersType: FiltersTypes.contains,
      listBuilder: (list, isModSearch) {
        // Rertorne seu widget com a lista para o body da page
        // Pode alterar a tela relacionando o tipo de procura
        return ListView.builder(
          itemCount: list.length,
          itemBuilder: (_, index) {
            return Card(
                margin: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 16, vertical: 4),
                shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(
                    borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(4)),
                // color: Theme.of(context).primaryColorDark,
                child: Padding(
                  padding: const EdgeInsets.all(14.0),
                  child: Row(
                    children: [
                        child: Text(
                          'Name: ${list[index].name}',
                          style: TextStyle(fontSize: 16),
                        child: Text(
                          'Age: ${list[index].age.toStringAsFixed(2)}',
                          style: TextStyle(fontSize: 12),

  Stream<List<Person>> _streamListPerson = (() async* {
      await Future<void>.delayed(Duration(seconds: 3));
      //yield null;
      yield dataListPerson;
      await Future<void>.delayed(Duration(seconds: 4));
      yield dataListPerson2;
      await Future<void>.delayed(Duration(seconds: 5));
      //throw Exception('Erro voluntario');
      yield dataListPerson3;

final dataListPerson = <Person>[
  Person(name: 'Rafaela Pinho', age: 30),
  Person(name: 'Paulo Emilio Silva', age: 45),
  Person(name: 'Pedro Gomes', age: 18),
  Person(name: 'Orlando Guerra', age: 23),
  Person(name: 'Zacarias Triste', age: 15),

final dataListPerson2 = <Person>[
  Person(name: 'Rafaela Pinho', age: 30),
  Person(name: 'Paulo Emilio Silva', age: 45),
  Person(name: 'Pedro Gomes', age: 18),
  Person(name: 'Orlando Guerra', age: 23),
  Person(name: 'Zacarias Triste', age: 15),
  Person(name: 'Antonio Rabelo', age: 33),
  Person(name: 'Leticia Maciel', age: 47),
  Person(name: 'Patricia Oliveira', age: 19),
  Person(name: 'Pedro Lima', age: 15),
  Person(name: 'Junior Rabelo', age: 33),
  Person(name: 'Lucia Maciel', age: 47),
  Person(name: 'Ana Oliveira', age: 19),
  Person(name: 'Thiago Silva', age: 33),
  Person(name: 'Charles Ristow', age: 47),
  Person(name: 'Raquel Montenegro', age: 19),
  Person(name: 'Rafael Peireira', age: 15),
  Person(name: 'Nome Comum', age: 33),

class Person {
  final String name;

  final int age;

  Person({, this.age});

  String toString() {
    return 'Person{name: $name, age: $age}';

πŸ”Ž SearchAppBarPagination is built for fragmented requests for your API. If you have hundreds of data and would like to send them in parts, in addition to being able to filter them efficiently, this Widget is the chosen one. There is a cache of requests to avoid getting (REST) unnecessarily. The cache reset when a screen is disposed. What differs from StreamPage is that a function that forwards the page and the search string query will always be called when necessary. Example: reaches the bottom of the page. Remembering that this function must return a Future (get for your API). You will see an example with the server side below in Dart.

class SearchAppBarPagination<T> extends StatefulWidget {

    ///Returns Widget from the object (<T>). This comes from the List <T> index.
    ///typedef WidgetsPaginationItemBuilder<T> = Widget Function(
    ///    BuildContext context, int index, T objectIndex);
    ///final WidgetsPaginationItemBuilder<T> paginationItemBuilder;
    @required this.paginationItemBuilder,
    ///Return the list in parts or parts by query String
    ///filtered. We make the necessary changes on the device side to update the
    ///page to be requested. Eg: If numItemsPage = 6 and you receive 05 or 11
    ///or send empty, = >>> it means that the data is over.
    ///typedef FutureFetchPageItems<T> = Future<List<T>> Function(int page, String query);       
    /// final FutureFetchPageItems<T> futureFetchPageItems;
    @required  this.futureFetchPageItems,

    /// [stringFilter] Required if you type. 
    ///You should at least type with String.
        // ...
😱 You can make a setState on your stream page and your pagination or a rot Reload without any problems. Even changing the value of initialData.

πŸ”Ž SearchAppBarPagination

// ignore: must_be_immutable
class SearchAppBarPaginationTest extends StatefulWidget {
  const SearchAppBarPaginationTest({Key key}) : super(key: key);

  _SearchAppBarPaginationTestState createState() =>

class _SearchAppBarPaginationTestState
    extends State<SearchAppBarPaginationTest> {
  void initState() {
    /*Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 5), () {
      setState(() {
        _listPerson = dataListPerson3.sublist(0, 17);
        _numItemsPage = 15;
  //List<Person> _listPerson = null;
  //int _numItemsPage = null;
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return SearchAppBarPagination<Person>(
        //initialData: _listPerson,
        //numItemsPage: _numItemsPage,
        magnifyinGlassColor: Colors.white,
        searchAppBarcenterTitle: true,
        searchAppBarhintText: 'Pesquise um Nome',
        searchAppBartitle: Text(
          'Search Pagination',
          style: TextStyle(fontSize: 20),
        futureFetchPageItems: _futureListPerson,
        stringFilter: (Person person) =>,
        //sortCompare: false,
        filtersType: FiltersTypes.contains,
            (BuildContext context, int index, Person objectIndex) {
          return Card(
              margin: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 16, vertical: 4),
              shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(
                  borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(4)),
              // color: Theme.of(context).primaryColorDark,
              child: Padding(
                    const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 130.0, vertical: 20),
                child: Row(
                  children: [
                      child: Text(
                        'Name: ${}',
                        style: TextStyle(fontSize: 16),
                      child: Text(
                        'Age: ${objectIndex.age.toStringAsFixed(2)}',
                        style: TextStyle(fontSize: 12),

class Person {
  final String name;

  final int age;

  Person({, this.age});

  String toString() {
    return 'Person{name: $name, age: $age}';

WhatsApp-Video-2020-10-05-at-23 33

Example of server side function. #

Attencion: The number of elements must be more than 14 (numItemsPage > 14).

Ex: If numItemsPage = 20 (total items on a page) and you send a list with a length less than 20 or send an empty list, = >>> means that the data is over. If you send null: if there is no data yet, return an Exception; if a data already exists, nothing happens.

Return types for future FetchPageItems.

  • List equal to numItemsPage (list.length == numItemsPage) = continues to request new pages.
  • Empty list or list smaller than numItemsPage (list.length < numItemsPage) = ends the request for pages. Be it a complete list, be it the list filtered by the search. The API request for a list filtered by the search is only fulfilled if the complete list is not finalized or the list request filtered by the search has not been finalized by the same principles above.
  • List longer than numItemsPage (list.length> numItemsPage) = return an Exception. The current page is calculated depending on the numItemsPage being constant.
  • Null return. If you send null: if there is still no data, return an Exception; if a data already exists, it returns the same data in the cache. For now the cahe is restarted when the screen receives dispose.

#####❕Tip: Build a cache of your requests for the API and setState your page without problems.

I had to spend a few hours testing it so there were no mistakes. Do tests and if you find an error, I would be happy to resolve them as soon as possible.
Future<List<Person>> _futureListPerson(int page, String query) async {
    final size = 8;
    List<Person> list = [];

    final fistElement = (page - 1) * size;
    final lastElement = page * size;

    /*print('fistElement = ' + fistElement.toString());
    print('lastElement = ' + lastElement.toString());
    print('page pedida = ' + page.toString());

    dataListPerson3.sort((a, b) =>;

    await Future<void>.delayed(Duration(seconds: 3));

    if (query.isEmpty) {
      int totalPages = (dataListPerson3.length / size).ceil();
      totalPages = totalPages == 0 ? 1 : totalPages;

      //print('TotalPages = ' + totalPages.toString());
      if (page > totalPages) {
        return list;

      list = dataListPerson3.sublist(
          lastElement > dataListPerson3.length
              ? dataListPerson3.length
              : lastElement);
      /*if (list.length < size) {
        print('-###-  Last  ---Page --- Full');
    } else {
      final listQuery =
          dataListPerson3.where((element) => contains(element, query)).toList();

      int totalQueryPages = (listQuery.length / size).ceil();
      totalQueryPages = totalQueryPages == 0 ? 1 : totalQueryPages;

      //print('TotalQueryPages = ' + totalQueryPages.toString());

      if (page > totalQueryPages) {
        return list;

      list = listQuery.sublist(fistElement,
          lastElement > listQuery.length ? listQuery.length : lastElement);

      /*if (list.length < size) {
        print('-###-  LAst -- Page --- Search');

    return list;

πŸ”Ž SimpleAppBarPage you need to do the work of assembling your page manually. Start your controller, close it and implement the didUpdateWidget method for setState or Hot Reload on your page. There is already a widget to fit the body of your page => [RxListWidget].

class SimpleAppBarPage extends StatefulWidget {
  final StringFilter<Person> stringFilter;
  final FiltersTypes filtersType;
  final List<Person> listFull;
  final bool sortCompare;

  const SimpleAppBarPage(
      {Key key,
        @required this.stringFilter,
      : super(key: key);

  _SimpleAppPageState createState() => _SimpleAppPageState();

class _SimpleAppPageState extends State<SimpleAppBarPage> {
  SimpleAppBarController<Person> _controller;

  void initState() {
    /// -------------------------------------------
    /// It is necessary to initialize the controller.
    /// -------------------------------------------
    _controller = SimpleAppBarController<Person>(
      listFull: widget.listFull,
      stringFilter: widget.stringFilter,
      sortCompare: widget.sortCompare,
      filtersType: widget.filtersType,
  /// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  /// It was necessary to implement didUpdateWidget for setState and hot reload.
  /// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  void didUpdateWidget(covariant SimpleAppBarPage oldWidget) {

    _controller.stringFilter = widget.stringFilter;
    //_controller.compareSort = widget.compareSort;
    _controller.sortCompare = widget.sortCompare;
    _controller.filtersType = widget.filtersType;
    _controller.filter = widget.filtersType;

    if (oldWidget.listFull != widget.listFull) {

      if (_controller.rxSearch.value.isNotEmpty) {
      } else {
  /// ----------------------------
  /// It is necessary to close the controller.
  /// ----------------------------
  void dispose() {

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      /// -------------------------------------------
      /// Import SearchAppBar
      /// -------------------------------------------
      appBar: SearchAppBar(
          controller: _controller,
          title: Text(
            'Search Manual Page',
            style: TextStyle(fontSize: 20),
          centerTitle: true,
          hintText: 'Search for a name',
          magnifyinGlassColor: Colors.white),
      /// -------------------------------------------
      /// Import reactive widget for the filtered list.
      /// -------------------------------------------
      body: RxListWidget<Person>(
        controller: _controller,
        listBuilder: (context, list, isModSearch) {
          if (list.isEmpty) {
            return Center(
                child: Text(
                  'NOTHING FOUND',
                  style: TextStyle(fontSize: 14),
          return ListView.builder(
            itemCount: list.length,
            itemBuilder: (_, index) {
              return Card(
                  const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 16, vertical: 4),
                  shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(
                      borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(4)),
                  // color: Theme.of(context).primaryColorDark,
                  child: Padding(
                    padding: const EdgeInsets.all(14.0),
                    child: Row(
                      children: [
                          child: Text(
                            'Name: ${list[index].name}',
                            style: TextStyle(fontSize: 16),
                          child: Text(
                            'Age: ${list[index].age.toStringAsFixed(2)}',
                            style: TextStyle(fontSize: 12),

Vide Example full for more details.

Filters #

These are the filters that the Controller uses to filter the list. Divide the filters into three types:

enum FiltersTypes { startsWith, equals, contains }

Default = FiltersTypes.contains;

Search_app_bar parameters #

Here [search_app_bar parameters] (, in the base package, you can understand each component.

NEW Components

Reactivity to the connection. #

[iconConnectyOffAppBar] Appears when the connection status is off. There is already a default icon. If you don't want to present a choice [hideDefaultConnectyIconOffAppBar] = true; If you want to have a custom icon, do [hideDefaultConnectyIconOffAppBar] = true; and set the [iconConnectyOffAppBar].

[widgetOffConnectyWaiting] Only shows something when it is disconnected and does not yet have the first value of the stream. If the connection goes back to show the [widgetWaiting] until you receive the first data. Everyone already comes with They all come with default widgets.


Disclaimer #

The initial design of this package has an animation provided in a tutorial by Nishant Desai at:

All merits for Rodolfo ([email protected]) and Nishant Desai.

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A search page built for minimal work and good performance. Enjoy.

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connectivity, diacritic, flutter, get_state_manager, meta


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