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Dart and Flutter sealed class generator and annotations.

Dart Sealed Class Generator #

build build pub pub pub pub pub

Generate sealed class hierarchy for Dart and Flutter, For null-safe and legacy projects.

Features #

  • Generate sealed class with abstract super type and data sub classes.
  • Static factory methods. for example Result.success(data: 0).
  • Cast methods. for example a.asSuccess(), a.isSuccess() or a.asSuccessOrNull().
  • Three types of equality and hashCode generation : data (like kotlin data classes), identity and distinct.
  • Implement data equality with popular equatable library.
  • Support for generics. even types can be mixed.
  • Support for nullable and non-nullable types in null-safe projects.
  • Support for using one sealed type in another.
  • Support both legacy and null-safe projects.
  • Generate nullability comments for legacy projects to ease your migration.
  • Generate toString for data classes.
  • Generate 6 types of different matching methods. like when or whenOrElse.
  • Support for automatic unwrapping and Inheritance

Usage #

Add dependencies in your pubspec.yaml file.

  sealed_annotations: ^latest.version

  sealed_generators: ^latest.version

Import sealed_annotations.

import 'package:sealed_annotations/sealed_annotations.dart';

Add part pointing to a file which you want classes be generated in. with .super.dart extension.

part 'weather.sealed.dart';

Add @Sealed annotation, and an abstract private class as a manifest for generated code.

You can choose between three types of equality using @WithEquality(...) annotation. Default equality is data if not specified. This will become default equality for all sub classes. You can change equality of each sub class by using this annotation on individual methods.

Equality types:

  • data Equality is implemented with Equatable package. It behaves like kotlin data classes.
  • identity Only identical instances are equal. It's like when you don't implement any specific equality.
  • distinct All the instances are not equal with each other. Even an instance is not equal with itself.

A basic example:

abstract class _Weather {
  void sunny();

  void rainy(int rain);

  void windy(double velocity, double? angle);

In the proceeding example all classes will have data equality. For example if you wanted identity equality for all classes but using distinct equality for windy:

abstract class _Weather {
  void sunny();

  void rainy(int rain);

  void windy(double velocity, double? angle);

An abstract super class is generated with name equal to name of manifest class without the underline (here Weather). Each method will become a sub class. There should be at least one method. Sub class names are based on method name prefixed with super class name (for example WeatherSunny). Naming process can be tailored with use of @WithPrefix and @WithName annotations. Each method argument will become a field in corresponding sub class. Field names are equal to argument names and field types are equal to argument types or dynamic if not specified. Argument types can be overridden using @WithType annotation for example when type information is not available at build time. Note that you can have nullable and non-nullable fields. In legacy projects all fields are considered nullable.

To change prefix of sub class names which by default is top class name, you can use @WithPrefix annotation. for example:

abstract class _Weather {
  void sunny();

Now sunny will be named HelloSunny instead of the default WeatherSunny. You can use @WithPrefix('') to remove all prefix from sub class names.

To change sub class names directly you can use @WithName annotation. It will override WithPrefix if specified. for example:

abstract class _Weather {
  void sunny();

Now sunny will be named Hello instead of the default WeatherSunny. This is use full if you want not to use prefix for some items.

Almost all methods on sealed classes use short names extracted from manifest method names. Full sub class names are not used. It is recommended not to use sub classes directly. There are factory methods for each item on super class.

Then run the following command to generate code for you.

dart run build_runner build

The generated code will look like: (the following code is summarised)

abstract class Weather {
  static WeatherRainy rainy({required int rain}) =>
      WeatherRainy(rain: rain);

  bool isRainy() => this is WeatherRainy;

  WeatherRainy asRainy() => this as WeatherRainy;

  WeatherRainy? asRainyOrNull() {
    /* ... */

  /* ... */

  R when<R extends Object?>({
    required R Function(WeatherSunny sunny) sunny,
    required R Function(WeatherRainy rainy) rainy,
    required R Function(WeatherWindy windy) windy,
  }) {
    /* ... */

  R whenOrElse<R extends Object?>({
    R Function(WeatherSunny sunny)? sunny,
    R Function(WeatherRainy rainy)? rainy,
    R Function(WeatherWindy windy)? windy,
    required R Function(Weather weather) orElse,
  }) {
    /* ... */

  R whenOrDefault<R extends Object?>({
    R Function(WeatherSunny sunny)? sunny,
    R Function(WeatherRainy rainy)? rainy,
    R Function(WeatherWindy windy)? windy,
    required R orDefault,
  }) {
    /* ... */

  R? whenOrNull<R extends Object?>({
    R Function(WeatherSunny sunny)? sunny,
    R Function(WeatherRainy rainy)? rainy,
    R Function(WeatherWindy windy)? windy,
  }) {
    /* ... */

  R whenOrThrow<R extends Object?>({
    R Function(WeatherSunny sunny)? sunny,
    R Function(WeatherRainy rainy)? rainy,
    R Function(WeatherWindy windy)? windy,
  }) {
    /* ... */

  void whenPartial({
    void Function(WeatherSunny sunny)? sunny,
    void Function(WeatherRainy rainy)? rainy,
    void Function(WeatherWindy windy)? windy,
  }) {
    /* ... */

class WeatherSunny extends Weather {
  /* ... */

class WeatherRainy extends Weather with EquatableMixin {
  WeatherRainy({required this.rain});

  final int rain;

  WeatherRainy copy({int? rain}) =>
      WeatherRainy(rain: rain ?? this.rain);

  String toString() => 'Weather.rainy(rain: $rain)';

  List<Object?> get props => [rain];

class WeatherWindy extends Weather {
  /* ... */

Generic Usage #

For generic sealed classes you should write manifest class like a generic class which you are implementing.

It is recommended that if you want nullable generic fields, declare a generic parameter as T extends Base? and use T without nullability suffix. If you want non-nullable generic fields declare a generic parameter as T extends Base and use T without nullability suffix. If you don't specify upper bound it will default to Object? so your generic types will be nullable.

import 'package:sealed_annotations/sealed_annotations.dart';

part 'result.sealed.dart';

abstract class _Result<D extends num> {
  void success(D data);

  void error(Object exception);

Or you can have multiple generic types and even mix them.

import 'package:sealed_annotations/sealed_annotations.dart';

part 'result.sealed.dart';

abstract class _Result<D extends num, E extends Object> {
  void success(D data);

  void error(E exception);

  void mixed(D data, E exception);

Wrapping and Inheritance #

There are times when you are using a sealed type only to wrap some fields and then unwrap it by using match functions in for example your blocs. In these situations it is better for the sealed sub class not to appear explicitly.

for example suppose the following manifest:

abstract class State {
  void initial();

  void loading();

  void data(Object obj);

when you want to apply when on that it will look like:

Object doTest(State s) {
  return s.when(
    initial: (initial) => 'something',
    loading: (loading) => 'other thing',
    data: (data) => 'data ${data.obj}',

as you see you even don't need initial or loading values, and even you only need data value to extract obj from it.

You can use @WithWrap() annotation:

abstract class State {
  void initial();

  void loading();

  void data(Object obj);

Then your match functions will look like this:

Object doTest(State s) {
  return s.when(
    initial: () => 'something',
    loading: () => 'other thing',
    data: (obj) => 'data $obj',

As you see it automatically unwraps values for you. If you add @WithWrap() on class it will apply to all sub classes. If you want wrapping only for some of your sub classes apply them to methods. for example:

abstract class State {
  void initial();

  void loading();

  void data(Object obj);

As you see data will not be automatically unwrapped.

Dynamic types and Using one sealed type in another #

Consider you have a sealed result type like:

abstract class _Result<D extends Object> {
  /* ... */

You want to use this type in another sealed type.

abstract class _WeatherInfo {
  void fromInternet(Result<WeatherData> result);

If you generate for WeatherInfo you will see that result has dynamic type. It is because Result itself is not code generated at build time.

You should use @WithType annotation.

abstract class _WeatherInfo {
  void fromInternet(@WithType('Result<WeatherData>') result);

  // you can also have nullable types.
  void nullable(@WithType('Result<WeatherData>?') result);

super_enum and super_enum_sealed #

The main purpose of super_enum_sealed_annotations and super_enum_sealed_generators is to ease migration from super_enum to dart_sealed. However, they can be used instead of super_enum as a standalone tool, but it is not recommended. super_enum_sealed has all features of dart_sealed instead of @WithType for dynamic types.

migrating from super_enum #

If you were using super_enum and now you want to change your dependency to dart_sealed.

  • 1 Change dependency of super_enum with super_enum_sealed_annotations.
  • 2 Change dependency of super_enum_generator with super_enum_sealed_generators.
  • 3 Change imports of super_enum with super_enum_sealed_annotations.
  • 4 Run dart run build_runner build.
  • 5 Now instead of super_enum, sealed_generators will generate code for you in .super files. Apart from generated sealed classes a manifest class with @Sealed annotation, and the same name of your enum and a trailing $ will be generated.
  • 6 Here you may have some conflicts which should be fixed.
  • 7 Replace generated manifest class (which has @Sealed annotation) with your @super_enum annotated enum. omit trailing $ and class comments. This tool does not recognize required and all fields are considered nullable. Then if your project is null-safe start changing nullability of each field according to your needs. If your sealed class is generic change Generic type argument name and if it is needed to use multiple type arguments.
  • 7 Change dependency of super_enum_sealed_annotations to sealed_annotations.
  • 8 Change dependency of super_enum_sealed_generators to sealed_generators.
  • 9 Change imports of super_enum_sealed_annotations with sealed_annotations.
  • 10 Change part suffixes from .super to .sealed.
  • 11 Run dart run build_runner build.
  • 12 Remove .super files if it is not removed automatically.
  • 13 Optional: If you want to migrate your code to null-safety you should do it now using standard migration tool. Then run dart run build_runner build again and this library will handle it for you.

For example for:

enum _Weather {
  @Data(fields: [
  @Data(fields: [

It will generate sealed classes and the following manifest class.

abstract class _Weather$ {
  void sunny();

  void rainy(int rain);

  void windy(double velocity, double? angle);

It is better to try not to use @Meta annotations.

Migrating to null-safety #

Using library for legacy projects it will generate legacy code assuming all fields being nullable. It also adds nullability comments for easing migration.

For migration use standard migration tool. Change nullability of sealed class fields (which is mapped from method arguments of manifest class) according to your needs. run dart run build_runner build again and library will generate null-safe code for you.

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Dart and Flutter sealed class generator and annotations.

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