redux_persist 0.5.0 copy "redux_persist: ^0.5.0" to clipboard
redux_persist: ^0.5.0 copied to clipboard

outdatedDart 1 only

Persist Redux State

redux_persist pub package #

Persist Redux state across app restarts in Flutter or custom storage engines.



  • Save and load from multiple engine (Flutter, Web, custom)
  • Fully type safe
  • Transform state and raw on load/save
  • Flutter integration (PersistorGate)
  • Easy to use, integrate into your codebase in a few minutes!

Storage Engines:

Usage #

See Flutter example for a full overview.

The library creates a middleware that saves on every action. It also loads on initial load and sets a LoadedAction to your store.

State Setup #

You will need to use a state class, with a required toJson method, as such:

class AppState {
  final int counter;

  AppState({this.counter = 0});

  AppState copyWith({int counter}) {
    return new AppState(counter: counter ?? this.counter);

  // !!!
  static AppState fromJson(dynamic json) {
    return new AppState(counter: json["counter"]);

  // !!!
  Map toJson() => {
    'counter': counter

(the copyWith method is optional, but a great helper. The fromJson is required as decoder, but can be renamed)

Persistor #

Next, create your persistor, storage engine, and store, then load the last state in. This will usually be in your main or in your root widget:

// Create Persistor
var persistor = new Persistor<AppState>(
  storage: new FlutterStorage("my-app"), // Or use other engines
  decoder: AppState.fromJson,

// Create Store with Persistor middleware
var store = new Store<AppState>(
  initialState: new AppState(),
  middleware: [persistor.createMiddleware()],

// Load state to store

(the key param is used as a key of the save file name. The decoder param takes in a dynamic type and outputs an instance of your state class, see the above example)

Load #

In your reducer, you must add a check for the LoadedAction action (with the generic type), like so:

class IncrementCounterAction {}

AppState reducer(state, action) {
  // !!!
  if (action is LoadedAction<AppState>) {
    return action.state ?? state; // Use existing state if null
  // !!!

  switch (action.runtimeType) {
    case IncrementCounterAction:
      return state.copyWith(counter: state.counter + 1);
      // No change
      return state;

Optional Actions #

You can also use the LoadAction or PersistorErrorAction to follow the lifecycle of the persistor.

  • LoadAction is dispatched when the store is being loaded
  • PersistorErrorAction is dispatched when an error occurs on loading/saving

Storage Engines #

You can use the Flutter or Web engines, or build your own custom storage engine.

To create a custom engine, you will need to implement the following interface to save/load a JSON string to disk:

abstract class StorageEngine {
  external Future<void> save(String json);

  external Future<String> load();

Whitelist/Blacklist #

To only save parts of your state, simply omit the fields that you wish to not save from your toJson and decoder (usually fromJson) methods.

For instance, if we have a state with counter and name, but we don't want counter to be saved, you would do:

class AppState {
  final int counter;
  final String name;

  AppState({this.counter = 0,});

  // ...

  static AppState fromJson(dynamic json) {
    return new AppState(name: json["name"]); // Don't load counter, will use default of 0

  Map toJson() => {'name': name}; // Don't save counter

Transforms #

All transformers are ran in order, from first to last.

Make sure all transformation are pure. Do not modify the original state passed.

State #

State transformations transform your state before it's written to disk (on save) or loaded from disk (on load).

persistor = new Persistor<AppState>(
  // ...
  transforms: new Transforms(
    onSave: [
      // Set counter to 3 when writing to disk
      (state) => state.copyWith(counter: 3),
    onLoad: [
      // Set counter to 0 when loading from disk
      (state) => state.copyWith(counter: 0),

Raw #

Raw transformation are applied to the raw text (JSON) before it's written to disk (on save) or loaded from disk (on load).

persistor = new Persistor<AppState>(
  // ...
  rawTransforms: new RawTransforms(
    onSave: [
      // Encrypt raw json
      (json) => encrypt(json),
    onLoad: [
      // Decrypt raw json
      (json) => decrypt(json),

Debug #

Persistor has a debug option, which will eventually log debug information.

Use it like so:

persistor = new Persistor<AppState>(
  // ...
  debug: true

Features and bugs #

Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.