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object_mapper: ^1.2.1 copied to clipboard

Object Mapper is a package written in Dart that makes it easy for you to convert your model objects to and from JSON.

Object Mapper #

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A package written in Dart that makes it easy for you to convert your model objects to and from JSON. It's inspired by ObjectMapper

object_mapper vs json_annotation

  • No extras file (*.g.dart), no need to use builder_runner
  • Re-usable Transform (known as Converter in json_annotation) with generic

Implement #

  • Step 1: Extend your class with Mappable mixin
class TestInfo with Mappable {

  • Step 2: Override Mappable.mapping method & add your map functions. Check more use cases here
class TestInfo with Mappable {
 int id;
 void mapping(Mapper map) {
  map("id", id, (v) => id = v);

  • Step 3: Register factory for new model into Mappable.factories

    Mappable.factories = {
      TestInfo: () => TestInfo()

Usage #

  • Map to Object
final json = {
 "id" : 2

final info = Mapper.fromJson(json).toObject<TestInfo>();
print(info.id); // 2
  • Object to Map
final info = TestInfo();
info.id = 2;
final json = info.toJson();
print(json); // { "id": 2 }

Map - Use Cases #

  • int, string, numeric, bool
void mapping(Mapper map) {
 map("field", field, (v) => field = v);
  • List of number or bool
void mapping(Mapper map) {
 map("field", field, (v) => field = v.cast<int>());
  • List of object or nested object
void mapping(Mapper map) {
 map<ObjectClass>("field", field, (v) => field = v);
  • Nested json
void mapping(Mapper map) {
 map<ObjectClass>("field1.field2.field3", field, (v) => field = v);
  • With transform, such as DateTransform, EnumTransform
DateTime time;
void mapping(Mapper map) {
 map("time", time, (v) => time = v, DateTransform());

Custom transform #

Implement your class with Transformable

class EnumTransform<Object extends Enumerable, JSON>
    with Transformable<Object, JSON> {
  Object fromJson(value) {
    if (value == null || !(value is JSON)) return null;
    return RawRepresentable(Object, value);

  JSON toJson(Object value) {
    if (value == null) return null;
    return value.rawValue;
pub points


unverified uploader

Object Mapper is a package written in Dart that makes it easy for you to convert your model objects to and from JSON.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference






Packages that depend on object_mapper