nb_utils 4.2.8 copy "nb_utils: ^4.2.8" to clipboard
nb_utils: ^4.2.8 copied to clipboard


This package helps you daily usable function with ease. Just add nb_utils with its latest version and that's it you are ready to use.

4.2.8 - Added Rating Item Widget, Common Model Class #

4.2.5 - Added Setting Section widget, TextButton, DateTime Extensions, Default BoxDecoration, Added currency symbols #

4.2.2 - Added Persistent Tabs widget #

4.1.0 - Added new int extensions #

4.0.0 - Migrated to dart null safety #

3.3.0+13 - Global AppButton background color, validate null widget, useful Color ext, automatic status bar color brightness, show toast only if string is not empty #

3.3.0+8 - Added DotsIndicator, Buttons, TextFields, Loader, Setting Item #

3.2.11+4 - Update connectivity package version #

3.2.9 - Added Responsive widget #

3.2.3 - Added status bar util, support for custom symbol for UL widget #

3.2.1 - Added UL Widget and more common utils #

3.1.6+5 - Updated dependencies #

3.1.6+1 - Added Extensions for Color, SizedBox, Text, Container, ClipRRect, ShaderMask, ScrollView, AlertDialog widgets #

3.0.3 - Added Extensions for Screen Size, Check Network Available, Show Dialog, Copy to Clipboard #

3.0.1 - Added Ready to use Shared Preference Functions and Toast #

2.0.9 - Styles added for Text and Container Widget #

2.0.0 - Added useful Extensions and basic colors #

1.0.4 - Updated documentation #

1.0.1 - Added examples and more optimized #

0.0.3 - Added more util functions #

0.0.1 - Release #

This package helps you daily usable function with ease. Just add nb_utils with its latest version and that's it you are ready to use.

pub points


verified publisherbhoominn.com

This package helps you daily usable function with ease. Just add nb_utils with its latest version and that's it you are ready to use.



unknown (LICENSE)


connectivity, flutter, fluttertoast, shared_preferences


Packages that depend on nb_utils