mysql_client 0.0.8 copy "mysql_client: ^0.0.8" to clipboard
mysql_client: ^0.0.8 copied to clipboard


Native MySQL client written in Dart

Native MySQL client written in Dart for Dart #

See example directory for examples and usage

Tested with MySQL Percona Server 5.7 and 8 versions

Roadmap #

  • Auth with mysql_native_password
  • Basic connection
  • Connection pool
  • Query placeholders
  • Transactions
  • Prepared statements (real, not emulated)
  • SSL connection
  • Auth using caching_sha2_password (default since MySQL 8)
  • Iterating large result sets
  • Send data in binary form when using prepared stmts (do not convert all into strings)
  • Multiple resul sets

Usage #

Create connection pool

final pool = MySQLConnectionPool(
  host: '',
  port: 3306,
  userName: 'your_user',
  password: 'your_password',
  maxConnections: 10,
  databaseName: 'your_database_name', // optional,

Or single connection

final conn = await MySQLConnection.createConnection(
  host: "",
  port: 3306,
  userName: "your_user",
  password: "your_password",
  databaseName: "your_database_name", // optional

Warning By default connection is secure. If you don't want to use SSL (TLS) connection, pass secure: false

Query database

var result = await pool.execute("SELECT * FROM book WHERE id = :id", {"id": 1});
  for (final row in result.rows) {

Prepared statements #

This library supports real prepared statements (using binary protocol).

Prepare statement

var stmt = await conn.prepare(
  "INSERT INTO book (author_id, title, price, created_at) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)",

Execute with params

await stmt.execute([null, 'Some book 1', 120, '2022-01-01']);
await stmt.execute([null, 'Some book 2', 10, '2022-01-01']);

Deallocate prepared statement

await stmt.deallocate();

Transactions #

To execute queries in transaction, you can use transactional() method on connection or pool object Example:

await pool.transactional((conn) async {
  await conn.execute("UPDATE book SET price = :price", {"price": 300});
  await conn.execute("UPDATE book_author SET name = :name", {"name": "John Doe"});

In case of exception, transaction will roll back automatically.

Iterating large result sets #

In case you need to process large result sets, you can use iterable result set. To use iterable result set, pass iterable = true, to execute() or prepare() methods. In this case rows will be ready as soon as they are delivered from the network. This allows you to process large amount of rows, one by one, in Stream fashion.

When using iterable result set, you need to use result.rowsStream.listen instead of result.rows to get access to rows.


// make query (notice third parameter, iterable=true)
var result = await conn.execute("SELECT * FROM book", {}, true);

result.rowsStream.listen((row) {

Tests #

To run tests execute

dart test
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Native MySQL client written in Dart

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buffer, crypto, tuple


Packages that depend on mysql_client