lori_sdk 0.7.4+2 copy "lori_sdk: ^0.7.4+2" to clipboard
lori_sdk: ^0.7.4+2 copied to clipboard


A Flutter package to access Neomode's API (LORI). The package encapsulates most of the complexity and provide an easy way to connect to the best omnichannel platform.

[0.7.4+2] - Added new field - dealerCode inside cart model; #

[0.7.3] - Added new get customer; #

[0.7.3] - Added queryParameters "sellerId" in function getProductsByFilters; #

[0.7.1] - Aproved 0.7.1-beta.2 (controlled drug); #

[0.7.1-beta.2] - Update 0.7.1-beta.2; #

[0.7.1-beta.1] Update 0.6.6-beta.1; #

[0.7.0] - Added new field remainingMaxPerCustomer in userPromotion.dart #

[0.6.9] - Updated dealer ranking model; #

[0.6.8] - Added new fields in seller and dealer model; #

[0.6.7] - Added crm bonus implementation; #

[0.6.6+1] - Fix displayCode function in Product.dart; #

[0.6.6] - Adjust characteristics in product model; #

[0.6.5] - Added verification isNotEmpty in function displayCode Product.dart; #

[0.6.4-beta.1] - Beta 0.6.4; #

[0.6.4] - Added remove function to ProductDao; #

[0.6.3+1] - Fix characteristics in product model; #

[0.6.3] - Added open_video as a banner action type; #

[0.6.2+2] - Create List

[0.6.2+1] - Added fields in payment info model to enable PIX usage; #

[0.6.2] - Added PIX as a payment method; #

[0.6.1] - Added credsystem credit card to payment method; #

[0.6.0+3] - Implementation delete user sales_buyer_api; #

[0.6.0+2] - Adjust new rote sales catalog for implementation of product filters; #

[0.6.0+1] - fix new rote sales catalog for implementation of product filters; #

[0.6.0] - Implementation of product filters in the app; #

[0.5.9+5] - Fix function tag in product.dart; #

[0.5.9+4] - Fix final login Linx commerce; #

[0.5.9+3] - Final login Linx commerce; #

[0.5.9+2] - Adjust function tag in product.dart; #

[0.5.9+1] - Adjust login linx commerce; #

[0.5.9] - Added user login verification when API returns 412; #

[0.5.8] - Added function to remove cart seller #

[0.5.7+2] - Implementes login linx commerce #

[0.5.7+1] - Create Object Order in Category Model and Remove Ordenation in sales_catalog_api (getCategories) #

[0.5.7] - Change name landmark for Reference in ModelUserAddress #

[0.5.6] - Added flag 'useGeoCatalog' in InternalConfigurations model #

[0.5.5+9] - Added flag "updateLocalCart" at commerce.sales.carts.putSeller to check if is need to update local cart #

[0.5.5+8] - Fixed bug in when return the checkoutAddress when part of the address is null #

[0.5.5+7] - Added new fields showComplementaryNameOnProductList, showComplementaryNameOnProductDetail #

[0.5.5+6] - Added WorkingHours model and Added workingHours field at Seller Model #

[0.5.5+5] - Fixed validate cart function #

[0.5.5+4] - Added function to validate and update local cart #

[0.5.5+3] - Fixed bug in the new cart at finalize checkout #

[0.5.5+2] - Fixed bug on messages cart in old versions #

[0.5.5+1] - Added new field "messages" in cart model to show messages new cart #

[0.5.5] - Added CRMPropz integration #

[0.5.4+4] - Created 'unitPrice' in product model #

[0.5.4+3] - Created 'usingWholesalePrice' in cartItem model #

[0.5.4+2] - Create 'cpfCardHolder' in createUserPayment function #

[0.5.4+1] - Create createUserPayment #

[0.5.3+9] - Set in loadCart rethow(DioError) #

[0.5.3+8] - Fixed bug #

[0.5.3+6] - Removed loadCard on DioError #

[0.5.3+4] - Fixed configuration model #

[0.5.3+2] - Fixed product model #

[0.5.3+1] - Upgrading dependencies #

[0.5.3] - Ordering Product SKUs by name #

[0.5.2] - New wishlist endpoints #

[0.5.1] - Added a new behavior to check email #

[0.5.0+2] - Fixed a bug on api url change #

[0.5.0+1] - Removed a variable redeclaration #

[0.5.0] - Added new commerce-cart APIs #

[0.4.9+1] - Fix a bug where the user was being logged off #

[0.4.9] - Update Tutorial model and endpoints #

[0.4.8+1] - Fixed a bug on loadConfigurations api call #

[0.4.8] - Added DealerRanking #

[0.4.7] - Added support to promotion policy #

[0.4.6] - Modified internal configurations model #

[0.4.5] - Updated brand configurations #

[0.4.4] - Added internal configurations #

[0.4.3] - Added support to brand configurations and change api url at runtime. #

[0.4.2] - Added loadProductFromBarcode option #

[0.4.1] - Added brand configurations to remote configurations #

[0.3.15] - Added WhatsApp number to Store #

[0.3.14] - Added tags to Product. #

[0.3.13+2] - Fixing a bug with downgrade cart item. #

[0.3.13+1] - Renaming a property from SellerModality. #

[0.3.13] - Added support to Seller Modality. #

[0.3.12] - Added orderCodeType to Configurations. #

[0.3.11] - Added perPrice to catalog api. #

[0.3.10+1] - Added isSinglePrice to Configurations. #

[0.3.10] - Added Clear Sale App Key to Configurations. #

[0.3.9] - Added acceptedUserTerms to POST /Buyer. #

[0.3.8] - Added Characteristics to Product. Added icon to TutorialItem. #

[0.3.7] - Added new commerce, marketing and retailer apis. #

[0.3.6+1] - Added amount endpoint to firebase api. #

[0.3.6] - Removing Firestore SDK. Adding phone and whatsapp to seller. #

[0.3.5+1] - Added timing to firebase api #

[0.3.5] - Added retailer api #

[0.3.4] - Added new configuration. Added new firebase api. Added per seller catalog api. #

[0.3.3+2] - More fixes to cart update changes #

[0.3.3+1] - Some fixed to cart update and tracking changes. #

[0.3.3] - Added support to gift items on cart. Also, added track of changes to cart. #

[0.3.2] - Added expirationDate to cart and cartItem. Fixed banner actions. Escaped tag path parameter. #

[0.3.1+3] - Fixed the new api routes by removing the leading slash #

[0.3.1+2] - Fixed a bug with the migration of product installments API #

[0.3.1+1] - New banner actions. #

[0.3.1] - Fixed a bug with the sku attributes. Added user promotions to the new api. #

[0.3.0] - Added new Catalog API with a fallback to the legacy API. Removed v1 Category/Subcategory #

[0.2.6+1] - Changed CEP search endpoint #

[0.2.6] - Added registration property to User #

[0.2.5] - Updated UserPromotion model #

[0.2.4] - Added Sorocred cart to PaymentMethod. #

[0.2.3] - Began adding support to the new Sales API. Also, created models and routes for the new User Promotions API. #

[0.2.2] - Added auxCode to Product and productDisplayCode flag to Configurations. #

[0.2.1] - Added sort and weights to SkuAttribute. #

[0.2.0] - Added support to multiple carts. #

[0.1.12+1] - Fix on WebUserDao where the UserSingleton wasn't being called to notify that the user has logged off. #

[0.1.12] - Removed categoryApiVersion from the initializer. It can be set via the updateCategoryApiVersion method. #

[0.1.11+1] - Added a check to see if cart exists at loginUser method #

[0.1.11] - Fixed a bug where the auth token was always considered invalid #

[0.1.10] - Now running firebase_performance only for non-web platforms, since the plugin doesn't work on web. #

[0.1.9] - Added an option to change the category environment after the sdk has been initialized. #

[0.1.8] - Fixed a bug on cart item price migration where all the discounts were null #

[0.1.7] - Added promotional cart item boolean flag #

[0.1.6] - Added forceSellerNameAtList to configurations in order to allow further customization of the seller list #

[0.1.5] - Added checkout store payment message to configurations + standardizing the DAOs methods. #

[0.1.4] - Added a new class called SkuAttribute. #

[0.1.3] - Added enum to support default product ordering + added property on product to use as old price. #

[0.1.2] - Added support for banner types (don't use promotions anymore). Added 2 new flags to configurations: default sorting for product listing and buyWithOneClick. #

[0.1.1] - Fixed a bug when the refresh_token was not valid anymore and the user was unable of using the app. Also added the Phoenix plugin to restart the app when needed. #

[0.1.0] - Added validation for duplicated CPFs and added iconUrl return on categories/subcategories. #

[0.0.8] - Added dateOfBirth as optional parameter at createUser method. #

[0.0.7] - Now the systemOperationVersion can be null because the web sometimes doesn't have access to it. #

[0.0.6] - Removed repetitive systemName parameter from init method. #

[0.0.5] - More tweaks to ame the SDK available when using flutter_web. #

[0.0.4] - Added 3 new fields to the init method. #

[0.0.3] - Removed dart:io from lori_api since it's not supported on web. #

[0.0.2] - Added a better description + formatted all files to silence pub-web.flutter-io.cn warnings. #

[0.0.1] - First release with the SDK ready for use in production. STILL working on WEB support. #

pub points


verified publisherneomode.com.br

A Flutter package to access Neomode's API (LORI). The package encapsulates most of the complexity and provide an easy way to connect to the best omnichannel platform.



unknown (LICENSE)


collection, dio, firebase_performance, flutter, flutter_phoenix, http, intl, json_annotation, path, shared_preferences, simple_rsa, sqflite, uuid, validators


Packages that depend on lori_sdk