locale_gen 7.0.0 copy "locale_gen: ^7.0.0" to clipboard
locale_gen: ^7.0.0 copied to clipboard

Dart tool that will convert your default locale json to dart code.

flutter locale gen #

Dart tool that will convert your default locale json to dart code.

pub package Build Status Coverage Status MIT license

Example #


Setup #

Add dependency to pubspec #

pub package

  locale_gen: <latest-version>

Add config to pubspec #

Add your locale folder to the assets to make use all your translations are loaded.

    - assets/locale/

Add the local_gen config to generate your dart code from json files

  default_language: 'nl'
  languages: ['en', 'nl']
  locale_assets_path: 'assets/locale/' #This is the location where your json files should be saved.
  assets_path: 'assets/locale/' #This is the location where your json files are located in your flutter app.
  output_path: 'lib/util/locale/' #This is the location where your localization files will be created in your flutter app.
  doc_languages: ['en'] #Only generate docs for the given languages. Defaults to all languages. An empty list will skip doc generation

Run package with Flutter #

flutter packages pub run locale_gen

Run package with Dart #

pub run locale_gen

Migration steps <7.0.0 to >=7.0.0 #

With the newest version of locale_gen the context no longer needs to be provided when accessing the translations. This means there are a couple of breaking changes.

The first one is that you can now directly get the translation from the Localization object without having to pass the context, so instead of:


you can now do


The second breaking change is how you initialize/change the locale. Before you could do this by changing the localizationDelegate that is passed to the materialApp, but now you just call the load function of the Localization object. So instead of:

      localeDelegate = LocalizationDelegate(
        newLocale: locale,
        localizationOverrides: customLocalizationOverrides,

you now do:

await Localization.load(
      locale: locale,
      localizationOverrides: customLocalizationOverrides,

Arguments #

Arguments are supported as of 0.1.0

You can pass a String or a num to as an argument.

Formatting for String: %1$s Formatting for num: %1$d

The number in between % and $ indicate the index of the argument. It is possible to place an argument in 1 language first but in another second:

ex (Grammatically incorrect but it makes my point):

nl '%1$s, ik woon in %2$s. Wist je dat niet?' => KOEN, ik woon in ANTWERPEN. Wist je dat niet?

fr 'I live in %2$s. You didn't knew that %1$s?" => I live in ANTWERP. You didn't knew that KOEN?

Note: As of 6.0.0 non-positional arguments are also supported. You cannot use both positional and non-positional arguments in the same string. Example:

'%s, ik woon in %s. Wist je dat niet?' => KOEN, ik woon in ANTWERPEN. Wist je dat niet?

Working on mac? #

add this to you .bash_profile

 flutter packages get && flutter packages pub run locale_gen

now you can use the locale_gen with a single command.


Example #

This repo contains an example how to use this package.

Packages used:

  • flutter_localizations
  • shared_preferences
  • provider
  • kiwi

Other packges based on locale_gen #

  • icapps_translations
pub points


verified publisherimpaktfull.com

Dart tool that will convert your default locale json to dart code.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (LICENSE)


intl, meta, path, yaml


Packages that depend on locale_gen