linkfive_purchases 1.1.1 copy "linkfive_purchases: ^1.1.1" to clipboard
linkfive_purchases: ^1.1.1 copied to clipboard


LinkFive Purchases flutter sdk. This will allow your app to use the LinkFive subscription service.

LinkFive Purchases flutter sdk #

Flutter package available on linkfive_purchases

Add the SDK to your flutter app:

 $ flutter pub add linkfive_purchases

Getting Started #

Initialize the SDK

LinkFivePurchases.init("LinkFive Api Key");

Fetch all available subscriptions from LinkFive. The result will be passed to the Stream


Subscription Streams #

LinkFive mainly uses streams to pass data to your application.

// Stream of subscriptions to offer to the user

// Stream of active subscriptions

Purchase a Subscription #

Just call purchase including the productDetails from the subscription stream

await LinkFivePurchases.purchase( productDetails );

Restore a Purchases #

All restored subscriptions will be available through the activeSubscription listener


StreamBuilder usage #

Show purchasable subscriptions

  stream: LinkFivePurchases.listenOnSubscriptionData(),
  builder: (context, snapshot) {
    if (snapshot.hasData) {
      var subscriptionData =;
      if(subscriptionData != null) {
        // subscriptionData to offer
    return Center(child: Text('Loading...'));

Get Active Subscriptions

  stream: LinkFivePurchases.listenOnActiveSubscriptionData(),
  builder: (BuildContext context, snapshot) {
    if (snapshot.hasData) {
      var subscriptionData =;
      if (subscriptionData != null) {
        // Active subscriptionData
    return Center(child: Text('Loading...'));

Provider usage #

class LinkFiveProvider extends ChangeNotifier {
  LinkFivePurchasesMain linkFivePurchases = LinkFivePurchasesMain();

  LinkFiveSubscriptionData? linkFiveSubscriptionData = null;
  LinkFiveActiveSubscriptionData? linkFiveActiveSubscriptionData = null;

  List<StreamSubscription> _streams = [];

  LinkFiveProvider(Keys keys) {
    linkFivePurchases.init(keys.linkFiveApiKey, env: LinkFiveEnvironment.STAGING);

  void _subscriptionDataUpdate(LinkFiveSubscriptionData? data) async {
    linkFiveSubscriptionData = data;

  void _activeSubscriptionDataUpdate(LinkFiveActiveSubscriptionData? data) {
    linkFiveActiveSubscriptionData = data;

  void dispose() {
    _streams.forEach((element) async { await element.cancel(); });
    _streams = [];

Easy Integration with the Paywall UI package #

Integrate linkfive_purchases with package in_app_purchases_paywall_ui.

  • it's working with just passing the linkFive client to the UI library
  • Automatic purchase state management
  • The UI is fully customizable
  • You can control the UI on our Website

Purchase Page #

Simple Paywall

Success Page #

Simple Success page Paywall

Page State Management #

Simple Paywall Success state

Example usage with Paywall UI #

usage with in_app_purchases_paywall_ui.

// get LinkFivePurchases object from your provider or just create it
final linkFivePurchases = LinkFivePurchasesMain()

// get subscription data from your provider or from your stream (as described above)
LinkFiveSubscriptionData? linkFiveSubscriptionData = subscriptionData;

// you can use your own strings or use the intl package to automatically generate the subscription strings
final subscriptionListData = linkFiveSubscriptionData?.getSubscriptionData(context: context) ?? []

    // ...
    callbackInterface: linkFivePurchases,
    subscriptionListData: subscriptionListData,
    // ...

Thats it. Now the page will automatically offer the subscriptions to the user or if the user already bought the subscription, the paywall will show the success page.

Android Errors #

if you get something like:

e: .../LinkFivePurchasesPlugin.kt: (89, 9): Class 'kotlin.Unit' was compiled with an incompatible version of Kotlin. The binary version of its metadata is 1.5.1, expected version is 1.1.15.
The class is loaded from .../.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.jetbrains.kotlin/kotlin-stdlib/1.5.0/29dae2501ca094416d15af0e21470cb634780444/kotlin-stdlib-1.5.0.jar!/kotlin/Unit.class

The SDK uses kotlin v1.5.0. You can change the kotlin version in your android/build.gradle file

buildscript {
    dependencies {
        classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:1.5.0"

Gradle #

The sdk uses Gradle version 6.7.1