json_serializable 0.3.1+1 copy "json_serializable: ^0.3.1+1" to clipboard
json_serializable: ^0.3.1+1 copied to clipboard

outdatedDart 1 only

Generates utilities to aid in serializing to/from JSON.

0.3.1+1 #

  • Expanded package:build support to allow version 0.12.0.

0.3.1 #

  • Add a build.yaml so the builder can be consumed by users of build_runner version 0.7.0.

  • Now requires a Dart 2.0.0-dev release.

0.3.0 #

  • NEW top-level library json_serializable.dart.

    • Replaces now deprecated generators.dart to access JsonSerializableGenerator and JsonLiteralGenerator.

    • Adds the jsonPartBuilder function to make it easy to create a PartBuilder, without creating an explicit dependency on source_gen.

  • BREAKING UnsupportedTypeError added a new required constructor argument: reason.

  • BREAKING The deprecated annotations.dart library has been removed. Use package:json_annotation instead.

  • BREAKING The arguments to TypeHelper serialize and deserialize have changed.

    • SerializeContext and DeserializeContext (new classes) are now passed instead of the TypeHelperGenerator typedef (which has been deleted).
  • JsonSerializableGenerator now supports an optional useWrappers argument when generates and uses wrapper classes to (hopefully) improve the speed and memory usage of serialization – at the cost of more code.

    NOTE: useWrappers is not guaranteed to improve the performance of serialization. Benchmarking is recommended.

  • Make null field handling smarter. If a field is classified as not nullable, then use this knowledge when generating serialization code – even if includeIfNull is false.

0.2.5 #

  • Throw an exception if a duplicate JSON key is detected.

  • Support the nullable field on the JsonSerializable class annotation.

0.2.4+1 #

  • Throw a more helpful error when a constructor is missing.

0.2.4 #

  • Moved the annotations in annotations.dart to package:json_annotations.

    • Allows package authors to release code that has the corresponding annotations without requiring package users to inherit all of the transitive dependencies.
  • Deprecated annotations.dart.

0.2.3 #

  • Write out toJson methods more efficiently when the first fields written are not intercepted by the null-checking method.

0.2.2+1 #

  • Simplify the serialization of Map instances when no conversion is required for values.

  • Handle int literals in JSON being assigned to double fields.

0.2.2 #

  • Enable support for enum values.
  • Added asConst to JsonLiteral.
  • Improved the handling of Dart-specific characters in JSON strings.

0.2.1 #

  • Upgrade to package:source_gen v0.7.0

0.2.0+1 #

  • When serializing classes that implement their own fromJson constructor, honor their constructor parameter type.

0.2.0 #

  • BREAKING Types are now segmented into their own libraries.

    • package:json_serializable/generators.dart contains Generator implementations.

    • package:json_serializable/annotations.dart contains annotations. This library should be imported with your target classes.

    • package:json_serializable/type_helpers.dart contains TypeHelper classes and related helpers which allow custom generation for specific types.

  • BREAKING Generation fails for types that are not a JSON primitive or that do not explicitly supports JSON serialization.

  • BREAKING TypeHelper:

    • Removed can methods. Return null from (de)serialize if the provided type is not supported.

    • Added (de)serializeNested arguments to (de)serialize methods allowing generic types. This is how support for Iterable, List, and Map is implemented.

  • BREAKING JsonKey.jsonName was renamed to name and is now a named parameter.

  • Added support for optional, non-nullable fields.

  • Added support for excluding null values when generating JSON.

  • Eliminated all implicit casts in generated code. These would end up being runtime checks in most cases.

  • Provide a helpful error when generation fails due to undefined types.

0.1.0+1 #

  • Fix homepage in pubspec.yaml.

0.1.0 #

  • Split off from source_gen.

  • Add /* unsafe */ comments to generated output likely to be unsafe.

  • Support (de)serializing values in Map.

  • Fix ordering of fields when they are initialized via constructor.

  • Don't use static members when calculating fields to (de)serialize.