flutter_video_compress 0.2.0+5 copy "flutter_video_compress: ^0.2.0+5" to clipboard
flutter_video_compress: ^0.2.0+5 copied to clipboard


Compressed video generates a new path, you can choose to keep the source video or delete it, and provide a function to get a thumbnail of the video file.

flutter_video_compress #

Compressed video generates a new path, you can choose to keep the source video or delete it, and provide a function to get a thumbnail of the video file.

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Methods #

Function Parameter Description Return
getThumbnail String path, int quality(1-100) Return a thumbnail of the video from the input file uri Uint8List bitmap
startCompress String path, bool deleteOrigin Compress the video file and return a new path or path(event stop compress) String path
stopCompress None stop the video being compressed void

Usage #

Creating instance.

FlutterVideoCompress _flutterVideoCompress = FlutterVideoCompress();

Get a video file thumbnail

final Uint8List _image = await _flutterVideoCompress
  .getThumbnail(path: file.path, quality: 50)

Compress a Video

final String newPath = await _flutterVideoCompress
  .startCompress(path: file.path, deleteOrigin: true);

Stop Compress

await _flutterVideoCompress.stopCompress()

Notice! Android will print InterruptedException, but does not affect the use

example #

import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:typed_data';

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_video_compress/flutter_video_compress.dart';
import 'package:image_picker/image_picker.dart' show ImagePicker, ImageSource;

void main() => runApp(MyApp());

class MyApp extends StatefulWidget {
  _MyAppState createState() => _MyAppState();

class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {
  FlutterVideoCompress _flutterVideoCompress = FlutterVideoCompress();
  Uint8List _image;

  Future<void> _videoPicker() async {
    File file = await ImagePicker.pickVideo(source: ImageSource.camera);
    if (file != null && mounted) {
      _image = await _flutterVideoCompress
          .getThumbnail(path: file.path, quality: 50)
          .whenComplete(() {
        setState(() {});
      final String newPath = await _flutterVideoCompress.compressVideo(
          path: file.path, deleteOrigin: true);

  Future<void> _stopCompress() async {
    await _flutterVideoCompress.stopCompress();

  List<Widget> _builColumnChildren() {
    // dart 2.3 before
    final _list = <Widget>[
      FlatButton(child: Text('take video'), onPressed: _videoPicker),
      FlatButton(child: Text('stop compress'), onPressed: _stopCompress),
    if (_image != null) {
      _list.add(Flexible(child: Image.memory(_image)));
    return _list;

    // dart 2.3
    // final _list =  [
    //   FlatButton(child: Text('take video'), onPressed: _videoPicker),
    //   FlatButton(child: Text('stop compress'), onPressed: _stopCompress),
    //   if(_image != null) Flexible(child: Image.memory(_image))
    // ];
    // return _list;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      home: Scaffold(
        appBar: AppBar(title: const Text('Plugin example app')),
        body: Column(
          crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.stretch,
          children: _builColumnChildren(),

Notice #

If you find that the size of the apk is significantly increased after importing the plugin, it may be due to the following reasons:

  • x86 folder is included in you apk (./assets)

  • This Package only use ffmpeg without ffprobe,but the ffprobe still in you apk (asssets/arm or assets/x86)

add this config in build.gradle:

  • Do not use ignoreAssetsPattern "!x86" in debug mode, the simulator will. crash
android {

   // to build apk with unnecessary dependence, you might use this config blow
  aaptOptions {
       ignoreAssetsPattern "!x86:!*ffprobe"
  buildTypes {

look up for detail

pub points


unverified uploader

Compressed video generates a new path, you can choose to keep the source video or delete it, and provide a function to get a thumbnail of the video file.

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unknown (LICENSE)




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