flutter_state_management 0.5.0 copy "flutter_state_management: ^0.5.0" to clipboard
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A collection of helper classes to make the use of ChangeNotifier easier for state management

Flutter State Management #

Just a couple of utility classes to make it easier to use Flutter framework's built-in ChangeNotifier and Listenable for state management.

Features #

  • No learning curve if you already know Flutter
  • Simple package based on ChangeNotifier (No bloatware)

Usage #

Create your model class

class Counter extends StateNotifier<int, Error> {
  Counter() : super(const Loaded(data: 0));

  void increment() async {
    state = Loading(data: data);

    await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 2));

    if (data > 20) {
      state = Failed(error: StateError('greater than 20'), data: data);
    } else {
      state = Loaded(data: data + 1);

Or if you want the state to persist across restarts

class Counter extends PersistedStateNotifier<int, int> {
  Counter() : super(IsarKeyValue(), startState: 0);

  void increment() async {
    persistedState = Loading(data: data);

    await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 2));

    if (data > 20) {
      persistedState = Failed(error: StateError('greater than 20'), data: data);
    } else {
      persistedState = Loaded(data: data + 1);

Handle State Changes in UI #

To only rebuild specific parts:

  1. Use ValueListenableBuilder from the Flutter framework:
final counter = Counter();

  valueListenable: counter,
  child: Text()
  builder: (context, state, child) => // return updated UI here (can also use counter.builderArg here)
  child: const Text('Hello'),

You can also use builderArg helper:

builder: counter.builderArg(
  onLoaded: ,
  onLoading: ,
  onIdle: ,
  onFailure: ,
  1. Or use StateNotifierBuilder that comes with this package and is more user friendly:
final counter = Counter();

  onLoaded: (context, data) => Text(data.toString()),


To rebuild whole widget

Convert your existing StatelessWidget to RStatelessWidget, and StatefulWidget to RStatefulWidget and and just watch the model inside the build method:

class CounterText extends RStatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    counter.watch(context); // call watch inside the build method (do not use any if) 
    return Text(data.toString());
pub points


verified publishermuha.dev

A collection of helper classes to make the use of ChangeNotifier easier for state management

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference




flutter, isar_key_value


Packages that depend on flutter_state_management