flutter_easy_utils 1.0.3+1 copy "flutter_easy_utils: ^1.0.3+1" to clipboard
flutter_easy_utils: ^1.0.3+1 copied to clipboard


A Flutter package to handle dialogs , snakbars , loading , shareprefranse , api requests and more.


Flutter Easy Utils #

This package allows you to setup a powerful Auto Configure App with localization system , Provider and more. and in only a few minutes.

Features #

Here are some features:

  • Easy, lightweight, open-source.
  • Auto configure Localization.
  • Auto configure MaterialApp.
  • Auto configure Colors and Fonts.
  • Dark and Light mode.
  • Change languages.
  • Listen to internet connection.
  • easy tools.
  • getString etc from SharedPreference.
  • prepared dialogs.
  • prepared snackBars.
  • prepared admob ads (reward , banner and full screen).
  • prepared navigate to screen with page transaction.
  • size config to responsive screen dimensions.
  • Powerful API response handler
  • and more ...
  • MIT licensed.
  • Easily extensible.

Getting Started #

Installing #

Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:

  flutter_easy_utils: ^1.0.3

Import #

import 'package:flutter_easy_utils/flutter_easy_utils.dart';

How to use #

First, initialize EasyApp in your App:

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  // This widget is the root of your application.
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return EasyApp(
          builder: (context) => Home(),

Then you create a folder named languages in your assets directory with the defined languages in it. An example structure could be :

└── languages
    ├── en.json
    └── ar.json

Here's an example of en.json :

  "hello": "Hello !"

and an example of ar.json :

  "hello": "مرحبا بك"

Then, enjoy yourself:

old #

Navigator.of(context).push(PageTransition(child: HomeScreen(), type: PageTransitionType.leftToRight));

with Easy Utils #

goTo(context, HomeScreen(), trans: PageTransitionType.leftToRight);

translate text #

old #


now :) #

tran(context , "hello");

it's really easy :)