flex_color_picker 2.0.0-nullsafety.4 copy "flex_color_picker: ^2.0.0-nullsafety.4" to clipboard
flex_color_picker: ^2.0.0-nullsafety.4 copied to clipboard


A customizable Flutter primary, accent and custom color picker. Includes an optional HSV wheel color picker.

Changelog #

All notable changes to the FlexColorPicker package will be documented in this file.

[2.0.0-nullsafety.4] - March 22, 2021 #

  • New Feature: A bool enableOpacity property was added that enables an opacity slider that can be used to control the alpha channel in the selected ARGB color value. The slider height can be controlled with opacityTrackHeight, the width with opacityTrackWidth and the slider thumb size with opacityThumbRadius. There is also a opacitySubheading Widget that can be used to provide a Widget heading for the opacity slider.

[2.0.0-nullsafety.3] - March 12, 2021 #

  • Fix: Color code field no longer receives focus when switching to it on wheel page. Focus is set to color wheel, or the selected color shade, if the shade colors are present. The focus handling has also been improved for desktop usage.
  • Fix: The property editUsesParsedPaste now works as intended, if true, desktop keyboard paste commands, while editing a color value are intercepted, and the hole pasted buffer value gets parsed, it does not get pasted into the field. For normal field paste functionality keep editUsesParsedPaste false (default).
  • The color code edit and entry field now works more like a normal text entry field. It still only accepts valid hex input and converts all input to uppercase.
  • New property: If colorCodeHasColor is true, then the background of the color code entry field uses the current selected color.
  • New property If colorCodeReadOnly the color code entry field is always read only. Normally color code can be edited on the wheel picker, set this to true to make it read only there as well. Copy/paste operations still work if they are enabled even if the color code field entry is in read only mode.
  • New feature: The copyPasteBehavior property received three new features and properties:
    • The copy/paste context menu can now also optionally use secondary, typically mouse right, click by setting secondaryMenu to true.
    • It also has a mode where long press will be used on iOS/Android, but secondary mouse click will be used on desktop/web, by setting secondaryOnDesktopLongOnDevice to true.
    • When parseShortHexCode is true the hex color code paste action and field entry parser, interpret short three character web hex color codes like in CSS.
  • New extension: The extension FlexPickerNoNullStringExtensions on String got a new extension function Color toColorShort(bool enableShortRGB).
  • New extension: The extension FlexPickerNullableStringExtensions on String? got a new extension function Color? toColorShortMaybeNull(bool enableShortRGB).
  • Minor breaking: The extension FlexPickerNoNullStringExtensions on none nullable String named toColor no longer returns color value Color(0x00000000) for colors that cannot be parsed to a Color. It now returns Color(0xFF000000). This is because the Flutter SDK dislikes the fully transparent black Color(0x00000000), if it is full opaque black, it works better as a fallback safety color. The FlexPickerNullableStringExtensions on String? named toColorMaybeNull works as before by returning null when the String? cannot be parsed to a Color.
  • Tests: Added unit tests for ColorPickerActionButtonType and ColorPickerCopyPasteBehavior.

See API documentation for more information.

[2.0.0-nullsafety.2] - March 3, 2021 #

  • Documentation and live Web demo link fixes.

[2.0.0-nullsafety.1] - March 3, 2021 #

There are many new features included in this version 2 pre-release. The new features can be explored with live Web example. Its source code is also included in the package example folder, in "example/lib/demo/main.dart".

  • Improvement: The wheel picker now move on pointer down to point location, it no longer requires a slight movement for its thumbs to move to the selected start tracking point.

  • Improvements: Keyboard traversal of the colors and selecting indicator colors with the keyboard via enter or space. The wheel can however still not be operated with a keyboard, only touch and mouse controlled.

  • New property: onColorChangeStart called when user starts color selection with current color before the change.

  • New property: onColorChangeEnd called when user ends color selection with the new color value.

  • New property: selectedPickerTypeColor the color of the thumb on the slider that shows the selected picker. Ported from none null-safe version 1.1.4, does not exist in version 2.0.0-nullsafety.0.

  • New property: colorCodePrefixStyle defines the text style of the prefix for the color code. If not defined it defaults to same style as colorCodeTextStyle. Ported from none null-safe version 1.1.4, does not exist in version 2.0.0-nullsafety.0.

  • New property: title is a Widget used as an app bar type of title widget above the heading. Can also include copy, paste, select-close and cancel-cancel icon buttons when picker is used as a dialog.

  • New feature: There is an actionButtons property that takes an ColorPickerActionButtons(). It is used to define what type of Ok and Cancel action buttons the color picker has when used in a dialog. It is possible to define if bottom action buttons should be TextButton, OutlinedButton or ElevatedButton per button. If not defined, the labels on the buttons come from Material localizations, not from default hard coded values. See breaking label for the 'Select' label. There are optional select/OK and cancel icon buttons that can be used in the title bar for a more compact dialog.

  • New feature: There is a copyPasteBehavior property that takes an ColorPickerCopyPasteBehavior(). It is used to define the copy/paste behavior of the color picker, including:

    • Keyboard shortcuts: CTRL-C, CMD-C, CTRL-V, CMD-V
    • Top toolbar copy-paste buttons.
    • Long press copy-paste menu.

    All copy/paste behaviors are optional and can be enabled based on what is needed.

    For the copy format, the desired resulting RGB color string format can be configured to use #RRGGBB RRGGBB #AARRGGBB AARRGGBB and 0xAARRGGBB (default) options. The selected copy format is indicated with the corresponding prefix in the color code display/edit field when it is enabled.

    Paste supports parsing multiple RGB color string formats. It automatically detects what format is used and auto parses to correct Flutter/Dart color value. You can e.g. paste string formatted as #RRGGBB RRGGBB #AARRGGBB AARRGGBB #RGB RGB or 0xAARRGGBB, partial color string values also work. You can also activate a snack bar that informs the users if they paste color strings in an unsupported RGB string format into the color picker.

    See API documentation for more information.

  • New feature: The picker can display recently used colors in a list of color indicators at the bottom of the picker. You can use the following properties to control it.

    • showRecentColors: Set to true/false to enable/disable the usage of the recent colors feature.
    • recentColorsSubheading: Subheading widget for the recently used colors. Typically, a Text widget, e.g. Text('Recent colors'). If not provided there is no sub heading for the recently used colors.
    • maxRecentColors: Number of recent colors to track, from 2 to 20 allowed.
    • recentColors: a list with current recent color, defaults to empty. You can store the last list and use this list to restore the previous recent colors list.
    • onRecentColorsChanged: Optional value callback that returns a copy the current list of recently used colors. Use it store a copy of the recent colors in order to be able to restore it later.

See API documentation for more information.

Breaking changes #

The following are minor breaking changes from version 1.x, they mostly concern visual nuances and label defaults.

  • The colorCodeIcon has been deprecated and no longer has any function. To modify the copy icon on the color code entry field, define the ColorPickerCopyPasteBehavior(copyIcon: myIcon) and provide it to the copyPasteBehavior property, it defaults to same icon as in version 1.x.
  • The bottom dialog action button that selects the color now says OK instead of Select. The label for the OK button by default comes from a Material localization. You can as before change it to whatever string you want.
  • The dialog bottom action button for OK by default now uses just a plain TextButton and not an OutlinedButton, this change is done to conform to a less opinionated default style. You can still manually configure it to use an OutlinedButton instead as before. Now you can choose, before there was no choice.
  • The dialog bottom OK button is no longer auto-focused.

[2.0.0-nullsafety.0] - February 15, 2021 #

  • First version with null safety.
  • A workaround to https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/71687 was introduced. The issue has not been resolved. However, the workaround allows for the Wrap implementation that was changed to a Row in version 1.1.2, to be used again.
  • The almost full API configurable Web example and demo, was included in the package in "example/lib/demo/main.dart" together with the previous default example in "example/lib/main.dart". Previously this Web example was in a separate GitHub repository. The example was updated to make it responsive, to offer better usability on Web.

[1.1.5] - March 3, 2021 #

  • Fix: When selectedPickerTypeColor color was undefined, the thumb did not receive the same text color as the default and only one before in version 1.1.3 and earlier, in dark-mode. This broke compatibility with past style when using dark-mode. This fix restores the correct past style when the selectedPickerTypeColor is undefined.

[1.1.4] - March 3, 2021 #

  • Feature: New property selectedPickerTypeColor: Defines the color of the thumb on the slider that shows the selected picker.
  • Feature: New property colorCodePrefixStyle: Defines the text style of the prefix for the color code. If not defined it defaults to same style as colorCodeTextStyle.

[1.1.3] - December 22, 2020 #

  • Fix: Faulty documentation and comment for showPickerDialog parameter insetPadding.
  • Fix: Faulty default value for showPickerDialog parameter insetPadding, the new default value is the same as Flutter and Material default EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 40.0, vertical: 24.0), as it should have been.
  • Documentation: Minor documentation style correction.

[1.1.2] - December 5, 2020 #

  • Temporary: The Wrap implementation for showing the color code and integer value was changed to a Row due to a regression in Flutter SDK causing a crash issue on channels dev and master when showing the ColorPicker in a Dialog. For more info see here: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/71687 When the issue is resolved, the implementation will be reverted to Wrap again. Using a Wrap has the added benefit of breaking the color code display+input field, and the rarely used int value, into two rows in case a large font is used in a narrow view when they are both configured to be shown. The Row may overflow in some rare cases. If you do not plan to use the ColorPicker with channels and versions affected by the issue, you can still use the previous version 1.1.1 to keep using the Wrap implementation if you need it. With normal styling it is typically not needed.
  • Fixed that the provided TextStyle via property colorCodeTextStyle was not also applied to the shown color integer value when showColorValue was set to true, as stated in API doc and intended.

[1.1.1] - November 11, 2020 #

  • Updated the example app and documentation. The update includes updated screenshots and updated animated gifs.
  • Unit tests for ColorTools added, widget tests still pending for later updates.

[1.1.0] - November 6, 2020 #

  • New API: Added showColorValue to optionally display the int value of the selected color. This can be used to assist developers when they need to see or copy selected color values as int numbers.
  • New APIs: Exposed previously missing static color names in the API for all the accent and B&W color names in ColorTools. All the color name values default to English color names, but can now be changed to translated strings to provide Material color names in other languages as well.
  • Updated the live Web demo to demonstrate the showColorValue property.
  • Example and documentation updated.

[1.0.0] - November 5, 2020 #

  • First official release.
  • Example and documentation updated.
  • Updated the live Web demo version to use the released package.
  • New API: Added shouldUpdate to the color wheel picker, as a fix for an issue where black selection changed hue to red. This is a lower level API that is not needed unless you make your own picker from scratch, and you want to use the wheel picker in your own picker.
  • Final API name tweaks before version 1.0.0 release:
  • Renamed: API createPrimaryColor -> createPrimarySwatch
  • Renamed: API createAccentColor -> createAccentSwatch
  • Renamed: API colorNameAndHexCode -> materialNameAndCode
  • Renamed: API colorName -> materialName
  • Renamed: API colorHexCode -> colorCode

[1.0.0-dev.5] - November 5, 2020 #

  • Added a feature on the wheel color picker that enables entry of a hex RGB value to select a color.
  • API changes to support separate display of Material color name showMaterialName and selected color code showColorCode, plus defining their text styles materialNameTextStyle and colorCodeTextStyle.
  • New API showColorName to display an English color name for any selected color, not just the Material color names or custom named color swatches. It has text style that can be defined as well colorNameTextStyle.
  • New API colorCodeIcon that exposes the color code copy icon, so it can be customized.
  • New API enableTooltips to enable current and future tooltips used in the picker. Currently, only the copy color code button has a tooltip.
  • A new method introduced in ColorTools called nameThatColor(Color color). It returns a name for any color passed to it. Only supports English names. Based on a Dart port of http://chir.ag/projects/ntc, it contains 1566 colors and their names. It matches the given color to the closest similar color in the list and returns its name.
  • Example and documentation updated.

[1.0.0-dev.4] - November 2, 2020 #

  • Update to try to get the images to show up on pub-web.flutter-io.cn.
  • Minor documentation corrections.

[1.0.0-dev.3] - November 2, 2020 #

  • Significant API name changes and cleanup. Decided to implement previously planned changes before the official release, even if it will also impact our own usage of the package when we move to using the published version.

[1.0.0-dev.2] - October 30, 2020 #

  • First development pre-release on pub-web.flutter-io.cn.

Planned Updates and New Features #

These are the topics I currently have on the TODO list for this package. Have a new suggestion and idea? Feel free to open a suggestion or issue in the repo.


  • Release none pre-release version 2.
  • Add more tests.
  • Finalize tests.
  • Add support for colors with opacity or alpha.
  • Add GitHub actions for test, analyze, coverage, build and web demo deployment.
  • Additional controls for selecting active picker, custom slider and ToggleButtons.
  • Add one more color picker type "advanced".


  • Add selected colors to the custom colors section.
  • Store colors added to the custom colors section.


  • Improve copy/paste feature.
  • Version 2.0.0-nullsafety.0: Add null safe version.
  • Version 1.1.1: Add first set of tests for the ColorPicker, so far only unit tests for ColorTools, more tests will be added later. ColorTools has 4694 tests.
  • Publish version 1.0.0 on pub-web.flutter-io.cn.
  • Release version 1.0.0.
  • Add "name that color" function that can give a name to "any" color in English.
  • For the color wheel picker, add text input to get a given color based on entered HEX code.
  • Fix doc images that show up OK in Github readme.md, but not on pub-web.flutter-io.cn.
  • Review and correct documentation mistakes and typos, first pass anyway.
  • Review and update the API.
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verified publisherrydmike.com

A customizable Flutter primary, accent and custom color picker. Includes an optional HSV wheel color picker.

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