flex_color_picker 1.0.0-dev.2 copy "flex_color_picker: ^1.0.0-dev.2" to clipboard
flex_color_picker: ^1.0.0-dev.2 copied to clipboard


A customizable Flutter color picker.

Changelog #

All notable changes to the ColorPicker will be documented in this file.

The first public release was released with version 1.0.0-dev.2 as a pre-release.

The package has been used as is, in a few private projects. It was refactored to a package and made public. The code was taken mostly as it was with some minor improvements.

Later updates may refine and improve it further. Some of the APIs and naming could use improvements, but that would break our internal usage of it as well, so it was left as is for now. As always with open source packages, use at your own discretion and risk.

[1.0.0-dev.2] - October 30, 2020 #

  • First release on pub-web.flutter-io.cn

To do list #

  • Add tests for the ColorPicker and its supporting classes.
  • Review and correct any initial documentation mistakes and typos.
  • For the any color selector, add text input to select a known given color based on HEX code.
  • Maybe: Add other types of "any" color selector.
  • Maybe: Add a color selected with the any color selector to the custom colors section.
  • Maybe: Store selected colors added to the custom colors section.