fcnui_base 1.0.1 copy "fcnui_base: ^1.0.1" to clipboard
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Base package for fcnui applications. Contains common code for all fcnui applications. This package is not meant to be used on its own. It is meant to be used as a base for other fcnui applications.

fcnui_base Package for Flutter #

The fcnui_base package for Flutter is a comprehensive collection of dependencies and default components, carefully crafted to empower developers in building stunning user interfaces for their Flutter applications. This package leverages a range of essential dependencies, ensuring seamless integration and optimal performance in your projects.

Open pub-web.flutter-io.cn

Getting Started #

Full Documentation


Dependency Version
redux 5.0.0
_ flutter_redux
flex_color_scheme 7.3.1
equatable 2.0.5
get_it 7.6.7


  • Redux Store: Includes a Redux store with states and actions to manage application themes.
  • ThemeState: Manages theme-related states such as theme mode, flex scheme, and platform theme usage.
  • Actions:
    • ChangeThemeModeAction: Accepts a string representing the theme mode (e.g., ThemeMode.light.name). Default: system.
    • ChangeFlexSchemeAction: Accepts a string representing the flex scheme (e.g., FlexScheme.red.name). Default: greyLaw.
    • ChangeUsePlatformThemeAction: Accepts a boolean value to indicate whether to use the platform's theme from Theme.of(context) for installed components. Default: false.
  • Providers:
    • DefaultStoreConnector<T>: Provides a T type of state for Redux store connection.
    • DefaultStoreProvider: Wrapper used to encompass MaterialApp or CupertinoApp. Important for the proper functioning of components.
    • ThemeProvider: Offers all required ThemeState data and actions to toggle theme mode and change themes.
pub points


verified publishershoh.dev

Base package for fcnui applications. Contains common code for all fcnui applications. This package is not meant to be used on its own. It is meant to be used as a base for other fcnui applications.



unknown (LICENSE)


equatable, flex_color_scheme, flutter, flutter_redux, get_it, redux


Packages that depend on fcnui_base