fast_immutable_collections 3.0.5 copy "fast_immutable_collections: ^3.0.5" to clipboard
fast_immutable_collections: ^3.0.5 copied to clipboard


Immutable lists, sets, maps, and multimaps, which are as fast as their native mutable counterparts. Extension methods and comparators for native Dart collections.

[3.0.5] - 2021/04/15 #

  • Iterable.mapNotNull extension is similar to map, but returns Iterable<T>, where T is a non-nullable type.
  • Iterable.whereNotNull extension now returns Iterable<T>, where T is a non-nullable type.

[3.0.2] - 2021/04/14 #

  • Json serialization support for json_serializable with @JsonSerializable (for IList, ISet, IMap, ListSet, ListSetView).

  • Renamed extension isNotNullOrZero to isNotNullNotZero.

[2.0.4] - 2021/04/12 #

  • Factories IList<T>.orNull(), ISet<T>.orNull(), IMap<K, V>.orNull(), and IMapofSets<K, V>.orNull(), that help implement copyWith methods.

[2.0.2] - 2021/20/03 #

  • Breaking changes:
    • Iterable.removeDuplicates was renamed to Iterable.whereNoDuplicates to indicate it returns an Iterable.
    • Iterable.removeNulls was renamed to Iterable.whereNotNull to indicate it returns an Iterable.
    • List.removeNulls now is a List extension only. It mutates the List, removing nulls.
    • List.removeDuplicates now is a List extension only. It mutates the List, removing all duplicates.
    • Set.removeNulls now is a Set extension only. It mutates the Set, removing all nulls.

[2.0.1] - 2021/03/03 #

  • Nullsafety improvements.
  • isNotNullOrEmpty getter renamed to isNotNullNotEmpty.
  • isEmptyButNotNull getter to isEmptyNotNull.

[1.0.28] - 2021/02/09 #

  • More efficient Iterable.sortedLike() and List.sortLike() extensions.
  • Set.diffAndIntersect(), Iterable.everyIs() and Iterable.anyIs() extensions.

[1.0.26] - 2021/01/28 #

  • Better generics compatibility for equalItemsAndConfig.

[1.0.18] - 2021/01/19 #

  • IList.replace().
  • ISet.difference(), intersection, union now accept iterables.

[1.0.10] - 2021/01/18 #

  • areSameImmutableCollection() and areImmutableCollectionsWithEqualItems() functions.

[1.0.9] - 2021/01/12 #

  • Initial version.
pub points



Immutable lists, sets, maps, and multimaps, which are as fast as their native mutable counterparts. Extension methods and comparators for native Dart collections.

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collection, meta


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