extended 0.0.4 copy "extended: ^0.0.4" to clipboard
extended: ^0.0.4 copied to clipboard


A set of Flutter widgets that are extended based on Material and Cupertino widgets.

Extended #

Extended is a set of Flutter widgets that are extended based on Material and Cupertino widgets. The widgets of in this package have extra functionalities. For instance, Column widget does column things only on Material widget. It does not have background color option, nor tap handler and often we need to add those functionality to Column widget. And this is the reason why we have Extended package here. Extended package also provide method like alert.

Features #

Common properties #

  • All the extended widgets have as much as the common properties like below.

    • color,
    • backgroundColor,
    • borderColor,
    • borderRadius,
    • margin,
    • padding,
    • size,
    • width,
    • height,
    • tap,
    • long press,
    • double tap
  • See the example codes and try to open the source file in the paackage. It will surely gives you an idea how the Extended widgets are built, and how to use.

Getting started #

Just add the package name and version into your pubspec.yaml

Usage #

Boxes #

  • There are some box widget.
  • RedBox, GreenBox, BlueBox

TappableRow #

  • TappableRow has flex option.
    • TappableRow(children: [ RedBox(), GreenBox(), BlueBox() ], flexes: [1,2,3])

Tappable Column

  mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceAround,
  margin: const EdgeInsets.all(16),
  padding: const EdgeInsets.all(16),
  backgroundColor: Colors.black,
  borderRadius: 16,
  borderWidth: 5.5,
  borderColor: Colors.blueGrey,
  children: const [RedBox(), GreenBox(), BlueBox()],
  onTap: () => alert(context, 'onTap', 'tapped'),
  onDoubleTap: () => alert(context, 'onDoubleTap', 'double tapped'),
  onLongPress: () => alert(context, 'onLongPress', 'long press'),

Additional information #

TODO: Tell users more about the package: where to find more information, how to contribute to the package, how to file issues, what response they can expect from the package authors, and more.

TODO list #

pub points


verified publishersonub.com

A set of Flutter widgets that are extended based on Material and Cupertino widgets.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (LICENSE)




Packages that depend on extended