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A set of widgets for processing form field data in one common processor. Convenient for saving data to a database, sending via API, etc.

EasyForm #

A set of widgets for processing form field data in one common processor. Convenient for saving data to a database, sending via API, etc.

EasyForm and EasyTextFormField widgets are similar to and closely compatible with Flutter's Form and TextFormField widgets.

Form field widgets are placed in an EasyForm container, each field has a name (specified in the name parameter), when saved, the form field data is passed to the onSave callback as a Map<String, dynamic>, where the key is the field name and the value is the value of the form field.

The form can be saved with the EasyFormSaveButton or by calling EasyForm.of(context).save().

To insert a text field, the EasyTextFormField widget is used, for other fields, you can use the EasyCustomFormField widget directly in the widget tree or create its inheritor.

Example #

This example shows a EasyForm with two EasyTextFormField to enter an username, password and an EasyFormSaveButton to submit the form. The values ​​of the form fields are passed to the hypothetical API client, the result of the API request is passed to onSaved. While waiting for the API client to finish, the EasyFormSaveButton displays a CircularProgressIndicator.

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return EasyForm(
    onSave: (values) async {
      return API.login(values['username'], values['password']);
    onSaved: (response) {
      if (response.hasError) {
        // ... display error
      } else {
        // ... navigate to another screen
    child: Column(
      crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
      children: <Widget>[
          name: 'username',
          decoration: const InputDecoration(
            hintText: 'Enter your username',
          validator: (value) {
            if (value.isEmpty) {
              return 'Please enter some text';
            return null;
        const SizedBox(height: 16.0),
          name: 'password',
          decoration: const InputDecoration(
            hintText: 'Enter your password',
          validator: (value) {
            if (value.isEmpty) {
              return 'Please enter some text';
            return null;
          padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 24.0),
          child: EasyFormSaveButton.text('Sign In'),

Data processing #

During the save of the form, the values from all fields are collected into the Map<String, dynamic> and passed to the onSave callback.

The onSave callback is asynchronous, you can save or send values in it, wait for the response and pass it on to onSaved. If onSave returns nothing, a map with the values of the form fields will be passed to onSaved.

Custom fields #

For text fields, you can use the EasyTextFormField widget, which encapsulates the TextField widget with all its properties.

EasyForm makes it easy to create a custom type of form field.

As a controller, you can use the generic EasyFormFieldController or create an inheritor of it:

class ColorController extends EasyFormFieldController<Color> {
  ColorController(Color value) : super(value);

To create a field, you can create an inheritor of EasyFormGenericField and implement its build method:

class ColorField extends EasyFormGenericField<Color> {
    Key key,
    @required ColorController controller,
    ValueChanged<Color> onChange,
  }) : super(
          key: key,
          controller: controller,
          onChange: onChange,

  void _change() {
    value = _getRandomColor();

  Color _getRandomColor() {
    return Color((Random().nextDouble() * 0xFFFFFF).toInt()).withOpacity(1.0);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Align(
      alignment: Alignment.centerLeft,
      child: GestureDetector(
        onTap: _change,
        child: Container(
          width: 50,
          height: 50,
          decoration: BoxDecoration(
            color: value,
            border: Border.all(
              color: Colors.grey,
              width: 2,
            shape: BoxShape.circle,

This field and controller can be used independently of EasyForm.

To use them in EasyForm, you can do it directly through the generic-widget of the EasyCustomFormField:

EasyCustomFormField<Color, ColorController>(
  name: 'color',
  initialValue: Colors.teal,
  controllerBuilder: (value) => ColorController(value),
  builder: (fieldState, onChangedHandler) => ColorField(
    controller: fieldState.controller,
    onChange: onChangedHandler,

Or create an inheritor of the EasyCustomFormField widget:

class ColorFormField extends EasyCustomFormField<Color, ColorController> {
    Key key,
    @required String name,
    ColorController controller,
    Color initialValue,
  }) : super(
          key: key,
          name: name,
          controller: controller,
          initialValue: initialValue ?? Color(0x00000000),
          controllerBuilder: (value) => ColorController(value),
          builder: (state, onChangedHandler) {
            return ColorField(
              controller: state.controller,
              onChange: onChangedHandler,

... and use it in the form:

  name: 'color',
  initialValue: Colors.teal,

Form buttons #

For convenience, EasyForm has three types of buttons:

  • EasyFormSaveButton - to save the form;
  • EasyFormResetButton - to return the form to its original state;
  • EasyFormButton - for any form action;

The EasyFormSaveButton and EasyFormResetButton buttons each have two constructors, one - the standard one accepts the widget as the button content, and the second named text accepts the text as the button content:

EasyFormSaveButton(child: Text('Save')),
// or

Button customization #

By default, the EasyFormSaveButton is created as an ElevatedButton or CupertinoButton.filled, and the EasyFormResetButton is created as an OutlinedButton or CupertinoButton.

The appearance of the button can be customized using the adaptivity argument of the EasyForm constructor:

  • EasyFormAdaptivity.auto - the button type will be selected based on the platform;
  • EasyFormAdaptivity.material - Material-design buttons;
  • EasyFormAdaptivity.cupertion - Apple design buttons.

These buttons can be customized by overriding the button builder that creates the button widget itself.

The builder can be passed to the constructor:

  builder: (context, key, child, onPressed) => ElevatedButton(
    key: key,
    child: child,
    onPressed: onPressed,

... or redefine globally, for the entire application (except for those buttons where the builder is passed to the constructor):

EasyFormSaveButton.defaultBuilder = (context, key, child, onPressed) => ElevatedButton(
  key: key,
  child: child,
  onPressed: onPressed,

Process of saving a form

While the form is being saved, the EasyFormSaveButton and EasyFormResetButton buttons are blocked from being pressed, and a progress indicator is displayed on the EasyFormSaveButton button instead of its content (for example, text).

By default, the indicator is an 18x18 CircularProgressIndicator or CupertinoActivityIndicator and the color of the text from the ElevatedButton.

It can be customized by overriding the builder in the button constructor:

  indicatorBuilder: (context, size) => SizedBox.fromSize(
    size: size,
    child: CircularProgressIndicator.adaptive(
      strokeWidth: 2,

... or redefine globally, for the entire application (except for those buttons where the builder is passed to the constructor):

EasyFormSaveButton.defaultIndicatorBuilder = (context, size) => SizedBox.fromSize(
  size: size,
  child: CircularProgressIndicator.adaptive(
    strokeWidth: 2,

Form saving indicator #

Saving or submitting form data can take a certain amount of time, during which time a progress indicator can be displayed. If you are not using an EasyFormSaveButton button that shows such an indicator, you may want to add such an indicator on top of all or part of the form. The EasyFormSaveIndicator widget is used for this.

By default, this is CircularProgressIndicator or CupertinoActivityIndicator over the child of the widget, but you can override the indicator builder, as well as override the layout builder so that the indicator is not placed on top of the child.

The indicator builder and layout builder can be passed to the EasyFormSaveIndicator constructor or assigned globally for the entire application (except for EasyFormSaveIndicator, with the specified builder in the constructor) via EasyFormSaveIndicator.defaultIndicatorBuilder and EasyFormSaveIndicator.defaultLayoutBuilder.

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verified publisheramazingsoftworks.com

A set of widgets for processing form field data in one common processor. Convenient for saving data to a database, sending via API, etc.

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