dson 0.1.0 copy "dson: ^0.1.0" to clipboard
dson: ^0.1.0 copied to clipboard

outdatedDart 1 only

Convert Objects to Json and Json to Objects

DSON Object Mapper #

The porpouse of this library is to convert Objects to JSON and JSON Objects using reflection (simillar approch to Jackson and Gson Java Object Mappers).

##JSON to Object To convert JSON to a Dart Object you need to create a library wich contains your PODO(Pure Old Dart Object):

library myclass_library;

class MyNestedClass {
  String name;

class MyClass {
  int i, j;
  String greeting;
  MyNestedClass myNestedClass;
  int get sum => i + j;
  List<int> intList;
  List<String> stringList;
  List<MyNestedClass> myNestedClassList;


And then import it in the libray that is in charge of converting the object:

import "package:DSON/ObjectMapper.dart";
import "myclass_library.dart";

main() {

   MyClass myObject = Reader.jsonToObject(
            '"greeting": "hello, there",'
            '"i": 3,'
            '"j": 5,'
            '"intList": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],'
            '"stringList": ["string1", "string2"],'
            '"myNestedClass": {'
                  '"name": "someName"'
            '"myNestedClassList": ['
                 '"name": "someName1"'
                 '"name": "someName2"'
        '}', MyClass, "myclass_library");

  print(myObject.i); // prints 3
  print(myObject.j); // prints 5
  print(myObject.greeting); //prints "hello, there"
  print(myObject.myNestedClass.name); // prints "someName"
  print(myObject.myNestedClassList[0].name); // prints "someName1"
  print(myObject.myNestedClassList[1].name); // prints "someName2"

##JSON to List of Objects Basically is the same as converting JSON to an object, you just need to pass the type of the list that you want to convert:

import "package:DSON/object_mapper.dart";
import "myclass_library.dart";

main() {

   var myNestedClassList = Reader.jsontoListOfObjects(
          '"name": "someName1"'
          '"name": "someName2"'
      ']', MyNestedClass, "myclass_library");

    print(myNestedClassList[0].name); // print "someName1"
    print(myNestedClassList[1].name); // print "someName2"

Note that the class MyNestedClass is inside a library. This is because a class cannot be converted if it is not inside a library.

##Object to JSON To convert from an object to JSON you just need to declare the class, instantiate the object and convert it:

class MyNestedClass {
  String name;

class MyClass {
  int i, j;
  MyNestedClass myNestedClass;
  int get sum => i + j;

  MyClass(this.i, this.j);

main() {

  MyClass myClass = new MyClass(3, 5)
    ..myNestedClass = (new MyNestedClass()..name = "luis");

  print(Writer.objectToJson(myClass)) //resutl: '{"i":3,"j":5,"myNestedClass":{"name":"luis"},"sum":8}'));
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Convert Objects to Json and Json to Objects





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