dialog_flowtter 0.1.2 copy "dialog_flowtter: ^0.1.2" to clipboard
dialog_flowtter: ^0.1.2 copied to clipboard


A Flutter implementation of DialogFlow improved. Get your chatbots ready in no time.


A Flutter implementation of DialogFlow, improved

Pub Package Star on GitHub style: effective dart MIT License MIT License

Platform support #

This package is fully supported in Android, iOS and Web. We have plans on testing and adding support for Windows, Linux and MacOS as this platforms mature in the Flutter SDK.

Installation #

  1. Add the package to your flutter dependencies in you pubspec.yaml:

        dialog_flowtter: ^0.1.2
  2. Make sure you add your dialog_flow_auth.json to the pubspec.yaml assets:

         uses-material-design: true
             - assets/dialog_flow_auth.json
  3. Add your DialogFlow Auth JSON to the assets folder and rename it to dialog_flow_auth.json

You can change the name and Path of your JSON later in the code. Just make sure to use the same one in the pubspec.yaml

  1. Get the packages from:

    flutter packages get

Get your keys #

Refer to Create a service account and download the private key file

How to use #

Detect intent #

One of the core features of DialogFlow is to detect what a person is trying to say. You can do that by detecting an intent that you have defined in your DialogFlow console

  1. Create an instance of DialogFlowtter and set the sessionId that will be used to identify the current conversation of the user with DialogFlow.

It's highly recommended that you use a different sessionId for every conversation that the user establishes with the Assistant

  final DialogFlowtter dialogFlowtter = DialogFlowtter(
    sessionId: "YOUR_SESSION_ID_HERE",

(OPTIONAL) Change the JSON path to the one you're using. This defaults to assets/dialog_flow_auth.json.

    jsonPath: "YOUR_JSON_PATH_HERE",
  1. Create a QueryInput where you can specify what data you want to send to DialogFlow.
  final QueryInput queryInput = QueryInput(
    text: TextInput(
      text: "Hi. How are you?",
      languageCode: "en",
  1. Send your input to DialogFlow through the detectIntent function.
  DetectIntentResponse response = await dialogFlowtter.detectIntent(
    queryInput: queryInput,

You can check the code for more info on what info you can send and receive

Get the info from the intent #

You can access the info returned by DialogFlow from the DetectIntentResponse that the detectIntent returns.

Get the text from the response #

  DetectIntentResponse response = await dialogFlowtter.detectIntent(
    queryInput: QueryInput(text: TextInput(text: "Hi")),
  String textResponse = response.text;

  print(textResponse); // Hi, how may I help you?

response.text returns null if there's no text returned by DialogFlow or if the first message returned it's not of type MessageType.text

Get the message from the response #

See Message for more info on what the model properties can be

  DetectIntentResponse response = await dialogFlowtter.detectIntent(
    queryInput: QueryInput(text: TextInput(text: "Hi")),
  Message messageResponse = response.message;

Get the response type of the message #

  MessageType messageType = response.message.type;

  print(messageType); /// MessageType.card

response.message returns null if there's no messages returned by DialogFlow

Be sure to dispose the instance when you're done using it #


Change the project id #

You can change the Project ID that DialogFlowtter will use to find your intents in DialogFlow.

  1. Create an instance of DialogFlowtter
  final DialogFlowtter dialogFlowtter = DialogFlowtter();
  1. Change the projectId prop of the instance;
  dialogFlowtter.projectId = "deimos-apps-0905";
  • Pro tip. You can do the exact same thing as above with the special Dart's cascade notation.

      final DialogFlowtter dialogFlowtter = DialogFlowtter()..projectId = "deimos-apps-0905";

Make authenticated http requests to your DialogFlow project #

You can access the authenticated http client generated by the package by calling the client attribute in your instance.

Keep in mind that this can become null if you have disposed your instance before.

Create your own authenticated http client #

You can get an authenticated, auto refreshing http client with your custom json data if you call the static DialogFlowtter.getClient(yourJson) function.

Keep in mind that this only authenticates with json provided by Google.

Check googleapis_auth for more info.

Further considerations #

The DialogFlowtter class is a singleton, so you don't have to worry about multiple authentication flows being prompted every time you instanciate it.

The class creates an authenticated http client, with the credentials obtained from the DialogFlow Auth JSON, whenever you instanciate the class and saves it for later use.

Memory leaks #

Make sure to dispose your DialogFlowtter instance whenever you're done using it. This makes sure to close the authenticated http client and all its StreamSubscriptions to avoid memory leaks.

Too many models #

We have coded almost every model that you may need to use when implementing this package so you don't have to work with annoying Map<String, dynamic> objects. Feel free to ask for any model that is missing to be added to the package.

The models that were not coded are included as annoying Map<String, dynamic> and are tagged with the //? Create model if necessary.


  • Add support for cards, images, etc.
  • Secure DialogFlow auth JSON
  • Support audio queries
  • Add a catalog of supported languages
  • Add direct access to common used attributes
  • Support use of custom HTTP Client

Starware #

DialogFlowtter is Starware.
This means you're free to use the project, as long as you star its GitHub repository.
Your appreciation makes us grow and glow up. ⭐

Contribute #

Your help is always appreciated.

You can contribute by checking our contributing guide or opening an issue.

pub points


verified publisherdeimos.app

A Flutter implementation of DialogFlow improved. Get your chatbots ready in no time.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (LICENSE)


equatable, flutter, googleapis_auth, json_annotation, meta


Packages that depend on dialog_flowtter