devtools_app 2.3.3-dev.1 copy "devtools_app: ^2.3.3-dev.1" to clipboard
devtools_app: ^2.3.3-dev.1 copied to clipboard


Web-based performance tooling for Dart and Flutter.

What is this? #

This is a companion repo to the main Flutter repo. It contains the source code for a suite of performance tools for Dart and Flutter. All of the core logic for the devtools app is in package:devtools_app with package:devtools just serving as a container to serve precompiled versions of the app for easy use with pub global activate.

Getting started #

For documentation on installing and trying out DevTools, please see our docs.

Feedback #

Feedback and issues are best reported at Thanks for trying out DevTools!

Terms and Privacy #

By using Dart DevTools, you agree to the Google Terms of Service.