dart_pre_commit 4.1.0 copy "dart_pre_commit: ^4.1.0" to clipboard
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A small collection of pre commit hooks to format and lint dart code

dart_pre_commit #

Continuos Integration Pub Version

A small collection of pre commit hooks to format and lint dart code

Table of Contents #

Table of contents generated with markdown-toc

Features #

  • Provides multiple built in hooks to run on staged files
    • Run dart format
    • Check for invalid imports in test files
    • Run dart analyze
    • Ensure all src files that are publicly visible are exported somewhere
    • Checks if a dart package is compatible with the current stable flutter version
    • Checks if any packages are outdated
    • Checks if any packages have newer versions in the lock file
  • Only processes staged files
    • Automatically stages modified files again
    • Fails if partially staged files had to be modified
  • Can be used as binary or as library
  • Integrates well with most git hook solutions

Installation #

Simply add dart_pre_commit to your pubspec.yaml (preferably as dev dependency) and run dart pub get (or flutter pub get).

dart pub add --dev dart_pre_commit

Activation #

To make use of the hooks, you have to activate them first. This package only comes with the hook-code itself, not with a way to integrate it with git as actual hook. Here are a few examples on how to do so:

Simple dart wrapper #

If this is the only hook you need and you don't really need anything more then "just run the thing", you can simply create a file named tool/setup_git_hooks.dart as detailed below and run dart run tool/setup_git_hooks.dart to initialize the hooks on each of your machines.

import 'dart:io';

Future<void> main() async {
  final preCommitHook = File('.git/hooks/pre-commit');
  await preCommitHook.parent.create(recursive: true);
  await preCommitHook.writeAsString(
exec dart run dart_pre_commit # specify custom options here

  if (!Platform.isWindows) {
    final result = await Process.run('chmod', ['a+x', preCommitHook.path]);
    exitCode = result.exitCode;

Using git_hooks #

The first example uses the git_hooks package to activate the hook. Take the following steps to activate the hook:

  1. Add git_hooks as dev dependency to your project
  2. Run dart pub run git_hooks create to initialize and activate git hooks for your project
  3. Modify git_hooks.dart to look like the following:
import "package:dart_pre_commit/dart_pre_commit.dart";
import "package:git_hooks/git_hooks.dart";

void main(List<String> arguments) {
  final params = {
    Git.preCommit: _preCommit
  GitHooks.call(arguments, params);

Future<bool> _preCommit() async {
  final result = await DartPreCommit.run();
  return result.isSuccess;

Handling the case where the git_hooks is setup in a child folder of the repository

In cases where your project is in a child folder of the repository ie. Repo/project, when you run DartPreCommit.run(), it'll run from the root of your repository and hence will not be able to find pubspec.yaml file. To handle this case we need to direct the DartPreCommit to run its command from a child folder. To do so, you need to add the following line in the _preCommit() function before we invoke DartPreCommit

Future<bool> _preCommit() async {
  Directory.current = '/project_sub_directory'; // <--- This line switches the command line execution directory to a subdirectory
  final result = await DartPreCommit.run();
  return result.isSuccess;

Using hanzo #

The second example uses the hanzo package to activate the hook. Take the following steps to activate the hook:

  1. Add hanzo as dev_dependency to your project
  2. Run dart pub run hanzo install to initialize and activate git hooks for your project
  3. Create a file named ./tool/pre_commit.dart as follows:
import "package:dart_pre_commit/dart_pre_commit.dart";

void main() {
  final result = await DartPreCommit.run();
  exitCode = result.isSuccess ? 0 : 1;
  1. Run dart pub run hanzo -i pre_commit

Configuration #

The tool follows the zero config principle - this means you can run it without having to configure anything. However, there are a bunch of configuration options if you need to adjust the tool. For simplicity, you can just define them in your pubspec.yaml below the dart_pre_commit key, but it is also possible to move it to a separate file.

The configuration uses the following pattern:

  task_1: null
  task_2: false
  task_3: true
    option1: true
    option2: info
      - a
      - b

Each task corresponds to the configuration of the task with that name. The values can be:

  • null (or missing): The default configuration of the task is used
  • true or false: Explicitly enable or disable the task. If enabled, still uses the default configuration.
  • <config-map>: Explicitly enable the task and use the given configuration in addition to the default configuration. This allows you to overwrite either some or all of the configuration options of a task.

The default tasks and their options, if they have any, are defined follows. However, you can always create your own, custom tasks with customized configurations.

The tool also accepts some command line arguments. Run dart_pre_commit --help to get more information on them.

Format task #

Task-ID: format
Configurable: Yes
Enabled: Always

This tasks checks all staged files for their formatting and corrects the formatting, if necessary. Internally, it uses the dart format command to accomplish this.


Option Type Default Description
line-length int? null The line length the formatter should use. If unset, the recommended default for dart (currently 80) is used.

Test Imports Task #

Task-ID: test-imports
Configurable: No
Enabled: Always

This task scans all test files to ensure they only import src libraries. For integration tests or in cases, where sources are purposefully not placed below src, you can ignore those imports as follows:

import 'package:my_app/src/src.dart';  // OK
import 'package:my_app/my_app.dart';  // NOT OK
// ignore: test_library_import
import 'package:my_app/my_app.dart';  // OK

Analyze Task #

Task-ID: analyze
Configurable: Yes
Enabled: Always

This tasks checks all files for static analysis issues. Internally, this runs dart analyze to check for problems. It can either scan the whole project or only staged files.


Option Type Default Description
error-level enum info The severity level that should cause the task to reject the commit. See possible values below.
scan-mode enum all The scan mode of the task which defines what files are scanned. See possible values below.

Values for error-level:

  • error: Only fatal errors are reported
  • warning: fatal errors and warnings are reported
  • info: fatal errors, warnings and linter issues are reported

Values for scan-mode:

  • all (default): All files are scanned for problems
  • staged: Only staged files are scanned for problems

Library Exports Task #

Task-ID: lib-exports
Configurable: No
Enabled: Only if publish_to is not set to none

Scans all staged src files and checks if all files, that define at least one public top level element (internal or visibleFor* elements do not count), are exported publicly in at least one file directly below the lib directory.

Flutter Compatibility Task #

Task-ID: flutter-compat
Configurable: No
Enabled: Only for pure dart projects

If changes have been made to the pubspec.yaml, this task will try to add this project as dependency to an empty, newly created flutter project to check if all version constraints of all dependencies are compatible with the latest flutter version.

Important: This task requires you to have flutter installed the the flutter binary to be available in your path. If this is not the case, you should explicitly disable the task.

Outdated Task #

Task-ID: outdated
Configurable: Yes
Enabled: Always

Checks if any packages have available updates. This task always runs, even if no changes to the dependencies have been made. If any package has updates greater than the defined allowed level, the commit will fail.


Option Type Default Description
level enum any The level of "outdated-ness" that is allowed. See possible values below.
allowed List<String> [] A list of packages that are allowed to be outdated, even if the level would otherwise reject them. Sometimes needed if updates break your code.

Values for level:

  • major: only check for major package updates
  • minor: check for major and minor updates
  • patch: check for major, minor and patch updates
  • any: check for all updates, except pre-releases

Pull Up Dependencies Task #

Task-ID: pull-up-dependencies
Configurable: Yes
Enabled: Always

Checks if any dependencies in the pubspec.yaml have version constraints that allow lower versions than the ones resolved in the lockfile. If thats the case, the task will reject the commit. If the lockfile is ignored, this task always runs, otherwise it only runs if changes to the lockfile have been staged.


Option Type Default Description
allowed List<String> [] A list of packages that are allowed to not be pulled up, even if their version constrains imply it. Can be useful to keep backwards compatibility.

Documentation #

The documentation is available at https://pub-web.flutter-io.cn/documentation/dart_pre_commit/latest/. A full example can be found at https://pub-web.flutter-io.cn/packages/dart_pre_commit/example.