dart_code_metrics 1.6.0 copy "dart_code_metrics: ^1.6.0" to clipboard
dart_code_metrics: ^1.6.0 copied to clipboard


Command line tool which helps to improve code quality. Reports cyclomatic complexity and method length in plain console, JSON, HTML and Codeclimate formats


import 'package:dart_code_metrics/metrics_analyzer.dart';
import 'package:dart_code_metrics/reporters.dart';

void main() {
  // Get some files you would like to analyze
  const filesToAnalyze = ['some_file.dart', 'another_file.dart'];
  // Root folder path is used to resolve relative file paths
  const rootFolder = 'lib/src';

  // Recorder keeps reported issues in format-agnostic way
  final recorder = MetricsAnalysisRecorder();

  // Analyzer traverses files and report its findings to passed recorder
  final analyzer = MetricsAnalyzer(recorder);

  // Runner coordinates recorder and analyzer
  final runner = MetricsAnalysisRunner(recorder, analyzer, filesToAnalyze,
      rootFolder: rootFolder);

  // Execute run() to analyze files and collect results

  // Now runner.results() contains some insights about analyzed code. Let's report it!
  // For a simple example we would report results to terminal

  // First of all config has to be created for a reporter
  const reporterConfig = Config(
      cyclomaticComplexityWarningLevel: 10,
      linesOfCodeWarningLevel: 50,
      numberOfArgumentsWarningLevel: 4);

  // Now the reporter itself
  final reporter = ConsoleReporter(reportConfig: reporterConfig);

  // Now pass collected analysis reports from runner to reporter and that's it

  // There is also JsonReporter for making machine-readable reports
  // HtmlReporter produces fancy html-documents with bells and whistles
  // And CodeClimateReporter produces reports that are widely understood by various CI tools
  // If none of these fits your case you can always access raw analysis info via results() method of runner and process it any way you see fit
pub points


verified publisherdcm.dev

Command line tool which helps to improve code quality. Reports cyclomatic complexity and method length in plain console, JSON, HTML and Codeclimate formats

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (LICENSE)


analyzer, analyzer_plugin, ansicolor, args, crypto, glob, html, meta, path, quiver, resource, source_span, yaml


Packages that depend on dart_code_metrics