card_settings 0.1.10 copy "card_settings: ^0.1.10" to clipboard
card_settings: ^0.1.10 copied to clipboard


A flutter package for building card based settings forms. This includes a library of pre-built form field widgets.

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Card Settings #

A flutter package for building card based settings forms. This includes a library of pre-built form field widgets. The style is a bit like a cross between the cupertino settings screen and material design; The idea is it should be usable and intutive on both iOS and Android.


This package consists of a CardSettings layout wrapper and a series of form field options including:

  • Text Fields
    • CardSettingsText - Basic text field
    • CardSettingsParagraph - Multiline text field with counter
    • CardSettingsEmail - A text field pre-configured for email input.
    • CardSettingsPassword - A text field pre-configured for passwords.
    • CardSettingsPhone - A masked phone entry field (US style currently).
  • Numeric Fields
    • CardSettingsDouble - Field for double precision numbers
    • CardSettingsInt - Field for integer numbers
    • CardSettingsCurrency - Field for currency entry
    • CardSettingsSwitch - Field for boolean state
  • Pickers
    • CardSettingsListPicker - Picker list of arbitrary options
    • CardSettingsNumberPicker - Picker list of numbers in a given range
    • CardSettingsColorPicker - RGB Color Picker
    • CardSettingsDatePicker - Material Design Date Picker
    • CardSettingsTimePicker - Material Design Time Picker
  • Informational Sections
    • CardSettingsHeader - A control to put a header between form sections.
    • CardSettingsInstructions - Informational read-only text.
  • Actions
    • CardSettingsButton - Actions buttons for the form

All fields support validate, onChange, onSaved, autovalidate, and visible.

The package also includes these additonal items:

  • CardSettingsField - The base layout widget. You can use this to build custom fields.
  • Converters - a set of utility functions to assist in converting data into and out of the fields.

Simple Example #

All fields in this package are compatible with the standard Flutter Form widget. Simply wrap the CardSettings control in a form and use it as you normally would with the form functionality.

  String title = "Spheria";
  String author = "Cody Leet";
  String url = ""

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
      body: Form(
        key: _formKey,
        child: CardSettings(
          children: <Widget>[
            CardSettingsHeader(label: 'Favorite Book'),
              label: 'Title',
              initialValue: title,
              validator: (value) {
                if (value == null || value.isEmpty) return 'Title is required.';
              onSaved: (value) => title = value,
              label: 'URL',
              initialValue: url,
              validator: (value) {
                if (!value.startsWith('http:')) return 'Must be a valid website.';
              onSaved: (value) => url = value,

See the full demo example here.

Theming #

The widgets support the material design theme. This example shows what global theme values to set to determine how the various elements appear.

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return new MaterialApp(
      title: 'Card Settings Example',
      home: new HomePage(),
      theme: ThemeData(
        accentColor: Colors.indigo[400], // used for card headers
        cardColor: Colors.white, // used for field backgrounds
        backgroundColor: Colors.indigo[100], // color outside the card
        primaryColor: Colors.teal, // color of page header
        buttonColor: Colors.lightBlueAccent[100], // background color of buttons
        textTheme: TextTheme(
          button: TextStyle(color: Colors.deepPurple[900]), // style of button text
          subhead: TextStyle(color: Colors.deepOrange[900]), // style of input text

Or if you want to apply a different theme to just the CardSettings heirarchy, you can wrap it in a Theme widget like so:

    data: Theme.of(context).copyWith(
      primaryTextTheme: TextTheme(
        title: TextStyle(color: Colors.lightBlue[50]), // style for headers
      inputDecorationTheme: InputDecorationTheme(
        labelStyle: TextStyle(color: Colors.deepPurple), // style for labels
    child: CardSettings(

Global Properties #

The CardSettings widget implements a few global settings that all child fields can inherit. Currently it supports only label customization.


You can control how the labels are rendered with four properties:

    labelAlign: TextAlign.right, // change the label alignment
    labelSuffix: ':', // add an optional tag after the label
    labelPadding: 10.0, // control the spacing between the label and the content
    contentAlign: TextAlign.left, // alignment of the entry widgets

The labelAlign and contentAlign properties are also available on each field, so you can override the global setting for individual fields.

    label: 'Last Name',
    labelAlign: TextAlign.left,
    contentAlign: TextAlign.right,

Dynamic Visibility #

Each field implements a visible property that you can use to control the visibility based on the value of other fields. In this example, the switch field controls the visibility of the text field:

  bool _ateOut = false;

    label: 'Ate out?',
    initialValue: _ateOut,
    onChanged: (value) => setState(() => _ateOut = value),

    label: 'Restaurant',
    visible: _ateOut,

Custom Fields #

The CardSettingsField is the basis of all other fields and can be used to build unique fields outside of this library. Its purpose is to govern layout with consistent decorations. The best way to make a custom field is to inherit from FormField<T>, which will manage the state of your field. The cleanest example of this is the CardSettingsSwitch widget. All you have to do is provide your custom widgets in the content property.

Dependencies #

This widget set relies on these external third-party components:

Changelog #

Please see the Changelog page to know what's recently changed.

Contributions #

Feel free to contribute to this project.

If you find a bug or want a feature, but don't know how to fix/implement it, please fill an issue.
If you fixed a bug or implemented a new feature, please send a pull request.

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A flutter package for building card based settings forms. This includes a library of pre-built form field widgets.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (LICENSE)


flutter, flutter_colorpicker, flutter_masked_text, intl


Packages that depend on card_settings