awesome_dialog 0.0.1 copy "awesome_dialog: ^0.0.1" to clipboard
awesome_dialog: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard


A new Flutter package project.

awesome_dialog #

A new Flutter package project for simple and awesome dialogs

Usage #

To use this package, add awesome_dialog as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file. And add this import to your file.

import 'package:awesome_dialog/awesome_dialog.dart';

Image #

alt text

Example #

AwesomeDialog(context: context,
            dialogType: DialogType.INFO,
            animType: AnimType.BOTTOMSLIDE,
            tittle: 'Dialog Title',
            desc: 'Dialog description here..................................................',
            btnCancelOnPress: () {},
            btnOkOnPress: () {}).show();

Custom Body #

If the body is specified, then title and description will be ignored, this allows to further customize the dialogue.

            context: context,
            animType: AnimType.SCALE,
            dialogType: DialogType.INFO,
            body: Center(child: Text(
                    'If the body is specified, then title and description will be ignored, this allows to further customize the dialogue.',
                    style: TextStyle(fontStyle: FontStyle.italic),
            tittle: 'This is Ignored',
            desc:   'This is also Ignored',
            btnOkOnPress: () {},

Custom Button #

To use custom buttons, just specify the buttonOk or btnCancel widget, all text parameters icon etc will be ignored.

Dissmiss and Callback #

AwesomeDialog has onDissmissCallback() and can be dissmissed at any time using dissmiss() public method.