audio_session 0.0.1 copy "audio_session: ^0.0.1" to clipboard
audio_session: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard


Sets the iOS audio session category and Android audio attributes for your app, and manages your app's audio focus, mixing and ducking behaviour.

audio_session #

This plugin configures the iOS audio session category and Android audio attributes for your app, and manages your app's audio focus, mixing and ducking behaviour. This is essential to:

  • Communicate to the operating system what type of audio your app intends to play.
  • Specify how your app interacts with other audio apps on the device.
  • Centralise the configuration of app-wide system audio settings among different audio plugins (see Section "Managing multiple audio plugins").

The audio_session plugin interfaces with AudioManager on Android and AVAudioSession on iOS.

Managing multiple audio plugins #

If your app uses multiple audio plugins (e.g. text-to-speech, audio player, audio recorder, speech recognition), you may experience an issue where one plugin will overwrite the system audio settings written by another plugin. For example, An audio recorder plugin may set the iOS audio session category to record while an audio player plugin may overwrite this and set it to playback. In reality, the ideal choice of category (i.e. playAndRecord) is outside the concern of either plugin.

Similarly, an audio recorder plugin may configure the ducking behaviour on Android so that audio should not be ducked, while an audio player plugin may configure your app so that audio can be ducked. Whichever plugin loads second will overwrite the settings of the first, where in reality, the ideal behaviour of audio focus is outside the concern of either plugin.

audio_session lets you remove this concern from the individual audio plugins and configure your app-wide settings globally.

For app developers #

Configure your audio session during app initialisation:

// Obtain the AudioSession singleton (from any FlutterEngine)
final session = await AudioSession.instance;
// Configure your app for playing music:
await session.configure(;
// Or, configure your app for playing podcasts/audiobooks:
await session.configure(AudioSessionConfiguration.speech());
// Or, use a custom configuration:
await session.configure(AudioSessionConfiguration(
  avAudioSessionCategory: AVAudioSessionCategory.playAndRecord,
  avAudioSessionCategoryOptions: AVAudioSessionCategoryOptions.allowBluetooth,
  avAudioSessionMode: AVAudioSessionMode.spokenAudio,
  avAudioSessionRouteSharingPolicy: AVAudioSessionRouteSharingPolicy.defaultPolicy,
  avSetActiveOptions: AVAudioSessionSetActiveOptions.none,
  androidAudioAttributes: const AndroidAudioAttributes(
    contentType: AndroidAudioContentType.speech,
    flags: AndroidAudioFlags.none,
    usage: AndroidAudioUsage.voiceCommunication,
  androidAudioFocusGainType: AndroidAudioFocusGainType.gain,
  androidWillPauseWhenDucked: true,

Observe audio interruptions:

session.interruptionEventStream.listen((event) {
  if (event.begin) {
    switch (event.type) {
        // Another app started playing audio and we should duck.
      case AudioInterruptionType.pause:
      case AudioInterruptionType.unknown:
        // Another app started playing audio and we should pause.
  } else {
    switch (event.type) {
        // The interruption ended and we should unduck.
      case AudioInterruptionType.pause:
        // The interruption ended and we should resume.
      case AudioInterruptionType.unknown:
        // The interruption ended but we should not resume.

For plugin authors #

When the plugin is about to play or record audio:

// Activate the audio session.
if (await session.setActive(true)) {
  // Now play or record audio
} else {
  // The request was denied and the app should not play audio
  // e.g. a phonecall is in progress.

If a plugin can handle audio interruptions, it is preferable to provide an option to turn this feature on or off. e.g.:

player = AudioPlayer(handleInterruptions: false);

Note that iOS and Android have fundamentally different ways to set the audio attributes and categories: for iOS it is app-wide, while for Android it is per player or audio track. As such, audioSession.configure() can and does set the app-wide configuration on iOS immediately, while on Android these app-wide settings are stored within audio_session and can be obtained by individual audio plugins via a Stream. The following code shows how a player plugin can listen for changes to the Android AudioAttributes and apply them:

    .map((conf) => conf?.androidAudioAttributes)
    .listen((attributes) {
  // apply the attributes to this Android audio track
  _channel.invokeMethod("setAudioAttributes", attributes.toJson());

configurationStream will always emit the latest configuration as the first event upon subscribing, and so the above code will handle both the initial configuration choice and subsequent changes to it throughout the life of the app.

pub points



Sets the iOS audio session category and Android audio attributes for your app, and manages your app's audio focus, mixing and ducking behaviour.

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (LICENSE)


flutter, flutter_web_plugins, rxdart


Packages that depend on audio_session