angular 4.0.0 copy "angular: ^4.0.0" to clipboard
angular: ^4.0.0 copied to clipboard

discontinuedreplaced by: ngdart
outdatedDart 1 only

Fast and productive web framework

4.0.0 #

We are now named package:angular instead of package:angular2. As such you cannot pub upgrade from angular2 3.x -> angular2 4.x, and you need to manually update your dependencies instead:

  angular: ^4.0.0

AngularDart will start tracking the upcoming Dart 2.0 alpha SDK, and as such, 4.0.0 will be the last stable release that fully supports Dart 1.24.0. We may release small patches if needed, but otherwise the plan is to release 4.0.0 and then immediately start working on 5.0.0-alpha, which uses the new Dart SDK.

Breaking changes #

  • @Pipe-annotated classes are no longer considered @Injectable, in that they aren't usable within a ReflectiveInjector. You can get this behavior back by adding the @Injectable() annotation to the @Pipe-annotated class. Similar changes are in progress for @Component and @Directive.

  • PLATFORM_{PIPES|DIRECTIVES|PROVIDERS}, which was only supported in an older version of the compiler, was removed. All of these must be manually included in lists in an @Directive or @Component annotation.

  • Removed formDirectives from COMMON_DIRECTIVES list; replace COMMON_DIRECTIVES with [CORE_DIRECTIVES, formDirectives] for components that use forms directives.

  • Forms API has been moved to a new package, angular_forms, which is going to be versioned and maintained alongside the core framework. This should allow better segmentation of code and easier contributions.

  • The router package is now being published separate as package:angular_router (not through package:angular/router.dart). In the near future it will be updated to a more Dart idiomatic "2.0" router, but for now it is an exact replica of the previous router.

  • Removed @{Component|Directive}#queries. This is replable using the same member-level annotation (i.e. @{Content|View}Child{ren}).

  • DynamicComponentLoader was renamed SlowComponentLoader to encourage users to prefer ComponentLoader. Additionally, arguments projectableNodes: and onDestroy: callbacks were removed - they were mostly unused, and confusing since they were undocumented.

  • Removed angular/platform/browser_static.dart; replace imports with angular/angular.dart.

  • Removed angular/platform/common_dom.dart; replace imports with angular/angular.dart.

  • Removed angular/testing.dart; Use angular_test package instead.

  • Removed angular/platform/testing.dart.

  • Removed platform/testing/browser_static.dart.

  • Removed MockNgZone.

  • Removed ViewEncapsulation.native, which is no longer supported.

  • Renamed FORM_DIRECTIVES to formDirectives.

  • Removed angular/common.dart; replace imports with angular/angular.dart.

  • Removed angular/compiler.dart; compiler should only be invoked via the transformers or via pkg:build directly using angular/source_gen.dart.

  • Deprecated @View() annotation was completely removed.

  • Deprecated second parameter to ExceptionHandler was completely removed.

  • Removed the runtime (dart:mirrors-based) interpreter. It is now required to always use the AngularDart transformer to pre-compile the code, even during development time in Dartium. package:angular2/reflection.dart was also removed.

  • The bootstrap function now always throws a runtime exception, and both it and bootstrapStatic are accessible via angular.dart instead of platform/browser.dart and platform/browser_static.dart #357.

  • Returning false from an event handler will no longer cancel the event. See #387 for details.

  • Removed Query and ViewQuery. Please use ContentChild/ContentChildren and ViewChild/ViewChildren in their place instead.

  • Removed the use_analyzer flag for the transformer. This is always true. #404.

  • Removed all other unused or unsupported flags from the transformer. There is now a single CompilerFlags class that is universally supported for all build systems.

  • Removed a number of classes that were never intended to be public.

  • Removed the second parameter to ExceptionHandler, which was a no-op anyway.

  • Removed outputs field from Directive. Outputs now must be declared using inline Output annotations.

New features #

  • Added support for functional directives: lightweight, stateless directives that apply a one-time transformation.

    • One is defined by annotating a public, top-level function with @Directive().

    • The function parameters specify its dependencies, similar to the constructor of a regular directive.

    • Only the selector and providers parameters of the @Directive() annotation are permitted, because the other parameters are stateful.

    • The function return type must be void.

@Directive(selector: '[autoId]')
void autoIdDirective(Element element, IdGenerator generator) { =;
  • Added visibility property to Directive. Directives and components that don't need to be injected can set visibility: Visibility.none in their annotation. This prevents the compiler from generating code necessary to support injection, making the directive or component non-injectable and reducing the size of your application.
// This component can't be injected by other directives or components.
@Component(selector: 'my-component', visibility: Visibility.none)
class MyComponent { ... }
  • Added ComponentLoader, a high-level imperative API for creating components at runtime. It uses internal code-paths that already existed, and is much more future proof. ComponentLoader is usable within a @Directive(), an @Component(), and injectable services.
// An `ExampleComponent`s generated code, including a `ComponentFactory`.
import 'example.template.dart' as ng;

class AdBannerComponent implements AfterViewInit {
  final ComponentLoader _loader;


  ngAfterViewInit() {
    final component = _loader.loadDetached(ng.ExampleComponentNgFactory);
    // Do something with this reference.
  • You can now directly inject dart:html's Element or HtmlElement instead of ElementRef, which is "soft deprecated" (will be deprecated and removed in a future release).

  • findContainer has now been exposed from NgForm allowing easier creation of custom form implementations.

  • setUpControl has been exposed from the forms API to allow forms to setup their controls easier.

  • Inheritance for both component and directive metadata is now complete! Any field or method-level annotations (@Input, @Output, @ViewChild|Children, @ContentChild|Children) are now inherited through super types (extends, implements, with) #231:

class BaseComponent {
  String name;

// Also has an input called "name" now!
@Component(selector: 'comp')
class ConcreteComponent extends BaseComponent {}
  • Inputs that are of type bool now receive a default value of true instead of a value of null or an empty string. This allows a much more HTML-friendly syntax for your components:
<!-- All of these set a value of disabled=true -->
<fancy-button disabled></fancy-button>
<fancy-button [disabled]></fancy-button>
<fancy-button [disabled]="true"></fancy-button>

<!-- Value of disabled=false -->
<fancy-button [disabled]="false"></fancy-button>
class FancyButton {
  bool disabled = false;
  • Added exports: [ ... ] to @Component, which allows the limited use of top-level fields and static methods/fields in a template without making an alias getter in your class. Implements #374.
import 'dart:math' show max;

  selector: 'comp',
  exports: const [
  // Should write '20'
  template: '{{max(20, 10)}}',
class Comp {}
  • Limitations:

    • Only top-level fields that are const (not final) can be exported.
  • Added @deferred as the first "compile-time" directive (it has no specific runtime code nor is it listed in a directives: [ ... ] list. Implements #406.

import 'package:angular2/angular2.dart';
import 'expensive_comp.dart' show ExpensiveComp;

  selector: 'my-comp',
  directives: const [ExpensiveComp],
  template: r'''
    <expensive-comp @deferred></expensive-comp>
class MyComp {}
  • Added preliminary support for component inheritance. Components now inherit inputs, outputs, host bindings, host listeners, queries, and view queries from all supertypes.

  • We use a new open sourcing tool called "CopyBara" that greatly simplifies both releasing and taking open source contributions. We are able to release to github more often, and accept PRs much more easily. You can view our bleeding github-sync branch for what has yet to be merged into master.

  • We no longer emit ng_*.json files as part of the compile process #276.

  • Attribute selectors (<ng-content select="custom-action[group='1']">) is now supported #237.

  • Lifecycle interfaces no longer need to be "re-implemented" on classes in order for the compiler to pick them up - we now respect the dependency chain #19.

  • Provider(useValue: ...) now accepts "complex const data structures", with the caveat that your data structure must not be invoking a private constructor #10.

Deprecations #

  • Support for shadow piercing combinators /deep/ and >>> to prevent style encapsulation is now deprecated. /deep/ is already deprecated and will be removed in Chrome 60. Its alias >>> is limited to the static profile of selectors, meaning it's not supported in style sheets. Continued use of these combinators puts Angular at risk of incompatibility with common CSS tooling. ::ng-deep is a drop-in replacement, intended to provide the same functionality as /deep/ and >>>, without the need to use deprecated or unsupported CSS syntax #454.

Bug fixes #

  • Compiler now warns when annotations are added to private classes or functions.

  • Compiler now warns when injecting into a field that is non-existent.

  • Fixed a long-standing bug on ngSwitch behavior in Dartium.

  • Fixed a bug in @deferred when nested views has DI bindings. Fixes #578.

  • The transformer now fails if any unsupported arguments are passed in.

  • Fixed a bug where @deferred did not work nested inside of <template>:

<template [ngIf]="someCondition">
  <expensive-comp @deferred></expensive-comp>
  • ngForm now allows onSubmit to be called with a null value.

  • Using inputs|outputs in the @Component annotation to rename an existing @Input() or @Output() now logs and fails the build during compilation.

  • Symbol collisions with dart:html no longer cause a runtime exception, all framework use of dart:html is now scoped behind a prefixed import.

  • Properly annotate methods in generated .template.dart code with @override.

  • Updated the documentation for OnInit and OnDestroy to mention more specifics about the contract and document "crash detection" cases where they may be called more than once.

  • *ngIf now properly checks that inputs do not change during change detection #453.

  • Properly typed TrackByFn as an int not a num #431.

  • Import aliases are supported by the compiler #245.

Performance #

  • Various small reductions to the size of generated code and the runtime.

  • Directives now generate their own change detector class (behind the scenes) instead of the code being re-created into every component that uses a directive.

  • Remove redundant calls to dbg(...) in dev-mode. This reduces the amount of work done and speeds up developer runtimes, such as those using the DartDevCompiler (DDC).

  • Some change detection code that was duplicated across all generated templates were moved internally to a new AppView#detectHostChanges method.

  • Introduced a new AppViewData structure in the generated code that decreases code size ~2% or more in some applications due to better code re-use and emit in dart2js.

  • We no longer change detect literals and simple final property reads.

  • Some of the enums used to manage change detection state have been simplified to int in order to reduce the cost in the generated code.

3.1.0 #

New features #

  • Exposed TouchFunction and ChangeFunction typedefs to make the transition to strong-mode easier for teams relying on these function definitions. We might remove them in a future release when they are no longer needed.

  • Added a flag to use an experimental new compiler that uses the Dart analyzer to gather metadata information. This flag will be turned on by default in 4.0:

        use_analyzer: true

WARNING: Using use_analyzer: true requires discontinuing use of the platform_* options, and fails-fast if both flags are used. See for details.

WARNING: Using use_analyser: true doesn't yet work with most third-party packages due to a bug.

Deprecations #

  • Using dart:mirrors (i.e. running AngularDart without code generation) is now formally deprecated. In 4.0+ code generation will be the only way to run an AngularDart application, even in development mode. Please ensure you are using our transformer:

Bug fixes #

  • CSS errors are now just warnings, and can be ignored. This is due to using a CSS parser for encapsulation - and the AngularDart transformer aggressively runs on all CSS files in a given package. We hope to make this smoother in a future release.

  • Do not generate throwOnChanges checks outside of dev-mode.

Performance #

  • Bypasses the deprecated event plugin system for all native DOM events.
  • At runtime interpolate is now represented by multiple functions (faster).
  • KeyValueDiffer (NgClass, NgStyle) optimized for initial add/removals.
  • No longer generates event handler registrations for directive outputs.

3.0.0 #

New features #

  • composeValidators and composeAsyncValidators now part of the public API.
  • angular2/testing.dart includes a test-only isDebugMode function.
  • (Forms) AbstractControl.markAsDirty now emits a status change event.

Breaking changes #

  • Requires at least Dart SDK 1.23.0.

  • Injecting null is no longer supported.

  • Remove unused useProperty argument in DI Provider api.

  • ReflectionCapabilities.isReflectionEnabled renamed to reflectionEnabled.

  • Malformed CSS warnings are errors now.

  • Removed forms async validators. Alternative:

    control.valueChange((value) {
      rpc.validate(change).then((errors) {
        if (errors != null) control.setErrors(errors);
  • Removed TitleService. To update the title, use dart:html:

    document.title = 'My title';
  • DynamicComponentLoader now has a simplified API:

    loadAsRoot, loadAsRootIntoNode replaced by a single load method that always creates the component root node instead of hoisting into an existing node.

  • Removed viewBindings from Component. This has been interchangeable with viewProviders for a while now.

    BEFORE: dart @Component(viewBindings: const [])

    AFTER: dart @Component(viewProviders: const [])

  • Removed EventManager from the public API. Code generation is now closer to document.addEventListener and having this interception layer would not allow further optimizations.

  • Removed IterableDifferFactory and KeyValueDifferFactory from the public API. We have planned compiler optimizations that will no longer allow overriding our diffing implementations. Looking into alternatives before a final 3.0.0 release that are lower cost.

  • ASYNC_VALIDATORS can no longer return a Stream instance, only Future.

  • The experimental NgTestBed was removed. Use package:angular_test now.

  • By default, the ExceptionHandler is a BrowserExceptionHandler, which prints exceptions to the console. If you don't want this behavior (i.e. releasing to production), make sure to override it.

  • ElementRef.nativeElement is now final (no setter).

  • DOM adapter is now completely removed from the API and generated code

  • A name parameter is now required for all @Pipe(...) definitions:

    BEFORE: dart @Pipe(name: 'uppercase')

    AFTER: dart @Pipe('uppercase')

  • DomEventsPlugin now requires a strongly typed interface to dart:html.

  • Null is no longer propagated as an initial change value. Code should be updated to either deliver a different initial value or components with an @Input() should have an appropriate default value.


    <my-component [value]="null"></my-component>
    String _value;
    set value(String value) {
      _value = value ?? 'Default name';


    String _value = 'Default name';
    set value(String value) { _value = value; }
  • Removed the isFirstChange() method of SimpleChange. Instead, check whether previousValue is null.

  • Removed NgPlural, deprecated as of 2.1.0.

  • Removed ObservableListDiffFactory, deprecated as of 2.1.0.

  • Event handlers are bound at initialization time. Therefore, the following will no longer work, because clickHandler is null during initialization.

        selector: 'my-component',
        template: '<div (click)="clickHandler($event)"></div>')
    class MyComponent {
      Function clickHandler;
  • Removed Component.moduleId, which was unused.

Deprecations #

  • @View will be removed in 4.0, only use @Component instead.
  • EventEmitter is now @Deprecated: Use Stream and StreamController.
  • ngSwitchCase replaces ngSwitchWhen (soft deprecation).
  • XHR is deprecated, along with the runtime/reflective compiler.
  • IterableDiffers and KeyValueDiffers are deprecated. The cost of looking up to see if a custom differ is available is too high for almost no use. Before they're removed, we'll have other customization options.

Bug fixes #

  • Updated various documentation to make cleaner and use Dart, not TS, samples.
  • Perf: Added performance improvements around generated code and type inference.
  • Fix: Key-value differ now detects removals when first key moves.
  • Fix: <ng-content select="..."> does not emit incorrect code (regression).
  • Perf: Optimized how reflective providers are resolved on application startup.
  • ngSwitchWhen now properly compares identity in Dartium.
  • Component/Directive#selector is now a @required property.
  • Angular warns in the console if using Dartium without checked mode.
  • Various performance improvements for both code size and runtime.
  • Various Dart idiomatic/style guide updates to the codebase.
  • ngIf now throws again if the bound value changes during change detection.
  • Fixed a bug where the router didn't work on a root path in IE11.
  • Fixed generated code that caused a strong-mode warning on AppView<...>.
  • Fixed a bug where DDC didn't work properly with "pure" Pipes.
  • Some simple types are now propagated to the generated .template.dart file.
  • When setting up a new NgControl, valueAccessor no longer can throw an NPE
  • Re-enabled strong-mode analysis within the project, and fixed some errors.

Refactoring #

  • We now use the formal <T> generic type syntax for methods, not /*<T>*/.
  • Removed NgZoneImpl, all the code exists in NgZone now.
  • We now generate specific code for view and content children (faster).
  • Projectable nodes now use the visitor pattern in AppView.
  • In generated .template.dart change detected primitives are typed.
  • Moved renderType as a static class member in generated code.

2.2.0 #

API changes #

  • Breaking changes
    • Using @ViewQuery|Children|Content| in a constructor is no longer valid. This caused significant extra code to need to be generated for a case that is relatively rare. Code can safely be moved into a setter in most cases.

BEFORE ```dart class MyComponent { QueryList

MyComponent(@ContentChildren(ChildComponent) this._childComponents); } ```

AFTER ```dart class MyComponent { QueryList

@ContentChildren(ChildComponent) set childComponents(QueryList

Bug fixes #

  • Importing angular2/reflection.dart now works properly.

2.1.1 #

API changes #

  • Introduced angular2/reflection.dart as canonical way to opt-in to mirrors. In 2.2.0 it will be considered deprecated to enable runtime reflection by any other means.

2.1.0 #

API changes #

  • Breaking changes
    • NgControlStatus no longer included in COMMON_DIRECTIVES and in FORM_DIRECTIVES. Needs to be manually included in your bootstrap or migrated off of
  • Deprecations
    • Using @Query in a component constructor; move to field-level
    • Renderer: Use dart:html directly
    • NgControlStatus: A form control should set class they are interested in
    • NgPlural: Was never formally supported in Angular Dart. Recommend using package:intl with getters on your @Component pointing to an Intl.message call until we have formal template support (planned)
    • ObservableListDiff: Not properly implemented, will re-introduce later
  • Removed support for InjectorModule - was never formally supported

Bug fixes and other changes #

  • Documentation fixes and cleanups across the codebase
  • Code size and runtime performance improvements across the codebase
  • More reduction of STRONG_MODE exceptions in the compiler
  • Removed InjectorModule code (from TS-transpiler era)
  • Fixed a bug with ExceptionHandler not being called during change detection
  • Fixed a bug where controls were not marked dirty when an error was set

2.0.0 Release #

API changes #

  • Implemented NgTestBed to improve test infrastructure
  • Removed Metadata classes used for angular annotations.
  • Added ComponentState to provide push change detection with better ergonomics and code generation.
  • ViewContainerRef.createEmbeddedView index parameter removed instead introduced insertEmbeddedView.
  • Added support for minimal code generation when user explicitly marks component with preserveWhitespace:false.

Bug fixes and other changes #

  • Improved ngFor performance.
  • Improved shared style host performance.
  • Improved @ViewChild/@ViewChildren performance.
  • Code and documentation cleanups.
  • Strong mode fixes.

2.0.0-beta.22 #

API changes #

  • POTENTIALLY BREAKING Observable features new use the new observable package, instead of observe.
  • Removed Renderer.createViewRoot.

Bug fixes and other changes #

  • Improved compiler errors.
  • Fixes to reduce code size.
  • Support the latest pkg/build.
  • Now require Dart SDK 1.19 at a minimum.
  • Added .analysis_options to enforce a number of style rules.

2.0.0-beta.21 #

Our push towards better performance has started showing results in this release. This update provides 5-10% speedup in components. >20% reduction in Dart code size emitted from compiler.

API changes #

  • Added support for '??' operator in template compiler.
  • Removed unused animation directives to create more Darty/compile time version.
  • Removed unused i18n pipes to prepare for dart:intl based solution.
  • Language facades removed (isPresent, isBlank, getMapKey, normalizeBool, DateWrapper, RegExpWrapper, StringWrapper, NumberWrapper, Math facades, SetWrapper, ListWrapper, MapWrapper, StringMapWrapper, ObservableWrapper, TimerWrapper).
  • Deprecated unused ROUTER_LINK_DSL_TRANSFORM.
  • Refactor(element.dart) is now app_element.dart.
  • AppView moved to app_view. DebugAppView moved to debug/debug_app_view.dart.
  • The deprecated injection Binding and bind have been removed.
  • Remove global events and disposables (instead of :window type targets, use dart APIs).

Bug fixes and other changes #

  • Improved change detection performance.
  • Improved error messages reported by template compiler.
  • Optimized [class.x]="y" type bindings.
  • Switched to js_util for browser_adapter to make angular CSP compliant.
  • Started strongly typing element members in compiled template code.
  • Cheatsheet and code docs updated.
  • Router fixes

2.0.0-beta.20 #

API changes #

  • Added ngBeforeSubmit event to ngForm API to allow better validation.
  • Global events removed from event binding syntax (dart:html APIs provide better alternative).

Bug fixes and other changes #

  • Reduced template code size.
  • Cleanup of facades.
  • Class Documentation updates.
  • ngForm submit changed to sync.
  • Removed disposables in generated template code.

2.0.0-beta.19 #

API changes #

  • Remove existing implementation of web workers, to be replaced in the future with Dart import override for dart:html.

Bug fixes and other changes #

  • Remove throwOnChanges parameter from all change detection calls in generated template.dart.
  • Unused and empty assertArrayOfStrings API removed.
  • Update BrowserDomAdapter from dart:js to package:js.
  • Reset change detection to guard against template exception.
  • Delete unused files.
  • Clean up the NgIf directive and remove facades.
  • Enabled Travis-CI.
  • Update tests that should only run in the browser.
  • Add angular transformer which deletes any pre-existing generated files from Bazel.
  • Add DI library entrypoint to support VM tests.
  • Fix the Math facade (improper annotation): @Deprecated(description).
  • Clean up animation classes.
  • Remove library name declarations.
  • Run dart formatter on all code.
  • Remove unused testing/lang_utils.dart.

2.0.0-beta.18 #

This is the first release of Angular 2 for Dart that is written directly in Dart, instead of generated from TypeScript.

API changes #

The Provider constructor and provide() function are now more intuitive when they have a single argument.

Before, const Provider(Foo) or provide(Foo) would provide a null object. To provide a Foo object, you had to use const Provider(Foo, useClass:Foo) or provide(Foo, useClass:Foo). Now you can omit the useClass:Foo. Either of the following provides a Foo instance:

const Provider(Foo)
// or

If you want the old behavior, change your code to specify useValue:

const Provider(Foo, useValue: null)
// or
provide(Foo, useValue: null)

Known issues #

Bug fixes and other changes #

  • Fix lower bound of pkg/build dependency.
  • Fixes for dependency upper bounds: build and protobuf.
  • Bumping min version of pkg/intl and pkg version.
  • Remove redundant declaration of el.
  • Security Update. Secure Contextual Escaping Implementation.
  • Fix Intl number formatting.
  • Enforce strong mode for angular2.dart.
  • Updating README and for first release.
  • Enforce dartfmt for dart/angular2.
  • Add //dart/angular2/build_defs with default resolved_identifiers.
  • Import cleanup.
  • Annotate browser-only tests.
  • Include .gitignore in files sent to GitHub.
  • Fix a strong mode error in angular2 (strong mode type inference miss).
  • Add compiler tests.
  • Delete unused libraries in lib/src.
  • Updated pubspec: authors, description, homepage.
  • Angular strong mode fixes for DDC support.
  • Add _LoggerConsole implementation of Console for the TemplateCompiler.
  • Mark Binding and bind() as deprecated. Replaced by Provider and provide().