accordion 1.0.0 copy "accordion: ^1.0.0" to clipboard
accordion: ^1.0.0 copied to clipboard


Accordion widget to display a list of expandable items with opening/closing and scroll-into-view animations.

accordion #

Accordion widget to display a list of expandable items with opening/closing and scroll-into-view animations.

Getting Started #

This project is a starting point for a Dart package, a library module containing code that can be shared easily across multiple Flutter or Dart projects.

For help getting started with Flutter, view our online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.

Common Properties #

The following properties can be set globally for all sections or for each section individually:

Property Description Type Required Default value
headerBackgroundColor background color of the section header Color no Theme.of(context).primaryColor
headerBorderRadius border radius of the section header double no 30
headerTextAlign alignment of the title in the section header TextAlign no TextAlign.left
headerTextStyle text style of the title in the section header TextStyle no
headerPadding padding of the title in the section header EdgeInsets no
leftIcon widget to the left of the title in the section header Widget no
rightIcon widget to the right of the title in the section header Widget no
flipRightIconIfOpen if the right icon in the header should be flipped when section is open bool no
contentBackgroundColor background color of the content part of the section Color no
contentBorderColor border color of the content part of the section Color no
contentBorderWidth border width of the content part of the section double no
contentBorderStyle border style of the content part of the section BorderStyle no
contentBorderRadius border radius of the content part of the section double no
contentHorizontalPadding horizontal padding within the content part of the section double no
contentVerticalPadding vertical padding within the content part of the section double no
paddingBetweenClosedSections padding below closed sections double no
paddingBetweenOpenSections padding below an open section to visually make it stand out more double no
scrollIntoViewOfItems if a section should automatically be scrolled to the center of the list when opened ScrollIntoViewOfItems no
pub points



Accordion widget to display a list of expandable items with opening/closing and scroll-into-view animations.



unknown (LICENSE)


flutter, get, scroll_to_index


Packages that depend on accordion