XInputGetAudioDeviceIds function xinput

int XInputGetAudioDeviceIds(
  1. int dwUserIndex,
  2. Pointer<Utf16> pRenderDeviceId,
  3. Pointer<Uint32> pRenderCount,
  4. Pointer<Utf16> pCaptureDeviceId,
  5. Pointer<Uint32> pCaptureCount,

Retrieves the sound rendering and sound capture audio device IDs that are associated with the headset connected to the specified controller.

DWORD XInputGetAudioDeviceIds(
  [in]                DWORD  dwUserIndex,
  [out, optional]     LPWSTR pRenderDeviceId,
  [in, out, optional] UINT   *pRenderCount,
  [out, optional]     LPWSTR pCaptureDeviceId,
  [in, out, optional] UINT   *pCaptureCount


int XInputGetAudioDeviceIds(
        int dwUserIndex,
        Pointer<Utf16> pRenderDeviceId,
        Pointer<Uint32> pRenderCount,
        Pointer<Utf16> pCaptureDeviceId,
        Pointer<Uint32> pCaptureCount) =>
    _XInputGetAudioDeviceIds(dwUserIndex, pRenderDeviceId, pRenderCount,
        pCaptureDeviceId, pCaptureCount);