RegDeleteKeyTransacted function advapi32

int RegDeleteKeyTransacted(
  1. int hKey,
  2. Pointer<Utf16> lpSubKey,
  3. int samDesired,
  4. int Reserved,
  5. int hTransaction,
  6. Pointer<NativeType> pExtendedParameter,

Deletes a subkey and its values from the specified platform-specific view of the registry as a transacted operation. Note that key names are not case sensitive.

LSTATUS RegDeleteKeyTransactedW(
  HKEY    hKey,
  LPCWSTR lpSubKey,
  REGSAM  samDesired,
  DWORD   Reserved,
  HANDLE  hTransaction,
  PVOID   pExtendedParameter);


int RegDeleteKeyTransacted(int hKey, Pointer<Utf16> lpSubKey, int samDesired,
        int Reserved, int hTransaction, Pointer pExtendedParameter) =>
        hKey, lpSubKey, samDesired, Reserved, hTransaction, pExtendedParameter);