DrawThemeParentBackgroundEx function uxtheme

int DrawThemeParentBackgroundEx(
  1. int hwnd,
  2. int hdc,
  3. int dwFlags,
  4. Pointer<RECT> prc,

Used by partially-transparent or alpha-blended child controls to draw the part of their parent in front of which they appear. Sends a WM_ERASEBKGND message followed by a WM_PRINTCLIENT.

HRESULT DrawThemeParentBackgroundEx(
  HWND       hwnd,
  HDC        hdc,
  DWORD      dwFlags,
  const RECT *prc


int DrawThemeParentBackgroundEx(
        int hwnd, int hdc, int dwFlags, Pointer<RECT> prc) =>
    _DrawThemeParentBackgroundEx(hwnd, hdc, dwFlags, prc);