toANSI method

Pointer<Utf8> toANSI({
  1. Allocator allocator = malloc,

Creates a zero-terminated ANSI string pointer from this String. Unlike the FFI-provided toNativeUtf8 method, this will always return a single byte for every character in the original string.

As a result, this method will not deal with characters that are not in the Windows codepage, but it will also not give unexpected results when calling Windows APIs that expect ANSI strings.

You can use the toDartString extension method on Pointer<Utf8> to convert a string created with this function (or returned from a Windows ANSI function) back to a Dart string.

Returns an allocator-allocated pointer to the result.


Pointer<Utf8> toANSI({Allocator allocator = malloc}) {
  final pStr = calloc<Uint8>(length + 1);
  for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
    pStr[i] = codeUnitAt(i) & 0xFF;
  pStr[length] = 0;
  return pStr.cast();