bucketLegend top-level property

String bucketLegend


final bucketLegend = '''

IMPORTANT: Dart AOT snapshot is a serialized representation of Dart VM heap.
Outside of few specific cases (e.g. an object representing a library clearly
originates from the library it represents) there is no well defined relationship
between snapshot bytes and a specific method/class/library to which these
bytes can be attributed with certainty. This snapshot analysis tool tries
to attribute bytes to specific program structure elements based on their
reachability from objects with well defined origin - meaning that this analysis
has some margin of error and imprecision.

- @other bucket denotes bytes attributed to entities outside of the current
granularity. For example, when breaking down the size by method name there
might be bytes which exist outside of any specific symbol - in which case
they will be attributed to @other.
- @stubs bucket accumulates bytes attributed to stubs (pieces of machine code
produced by the VM for internal purposes).
- @shared bucket accumulates bytes shared between otherwise unrelated program
- @unknown bucket accumulates bytes which are not reachable from any program
structure nodes (usually VM internal objects).