SockJSClient constructor

  1. Uri uri, {
  2. SockJSOptions? options,

Constructs a new SockJSClient that will attempt to connect to a SockJS server at the given uri.

Additional configuration can be provided via options:

  • SockJSOptions.server - string to append to url for actual data connection. Defaults to a random 4 digit number.
  • SockJSOptions.transports - list of transports that may be used by SockJS. By default, all available transports will be used.

For example, the following would create a client with a whitelist of three transport protocols:

final uri = Uri.parse('ws://');
final options = new SockJSOptions(
    transports: ['websocket', 'xhr-streaming', 'xhr-polling']);
final client = new SockJSClient(uri, options: options);


SockJSClient(Uri uri, {SockJSOptions? options}) {
  try {
    _jsClient = js_interop.SockJS(uri.toString(), null, options?._toJs());
    // ignore: avoid_catches_without_on_clauses
  } catch (e) {
    if (!js_interop.hasSockJS) {
      throw MissingSockJSLibError();
    } else {

  _addManagedEventListenerToJSClient('close', _onClose);
  _addManagedEventListenerToJSClient('message', _onMessage);
  _addManagedEventListenerToJSClient('open', _onOpen);

  // Automatically dispose if this client closes. If this close event is
  // emitted in response to a call to dispose(), then this will effectively be
  // a no-op.
  listenToStream<SockJSCloseEvent>(onClose, (_) => dispose());