animatePanelToPosition method

Future<void> animatePanelToPosition(
  1. double value, {
  2. Duration? duration,
  3. Curve curve = Curves.linear,

Animates the panel position to the value. The value must between 0.0 and 1.0 where 0.0 is fully collapsed and 1.0 is completely open. (optional) duration specifies the time for the animation to complete (optional) curve specifies the easing behavior of the animation.


Future<void> animatePanelToPosition(double value,
    {Duration? duration, Curve curve = Curves.linear}) {
  assert(isAttached, "PanelController must be attached to a SlidingUpPanel");
  assert(0.0 <= value && value <= 1.0);
  return _panelState!
      ._animatePanelToPosition(value, duration: duration, curve: curve);