Simplytics Firebase Analytics and Crashlytics

Simplytics is a simple abstraction for analytics and crash reporting. This package adds implementation of Firebase Analytics and Crashlytics services to Simplytics.


To start using Simplytics with Firebase, you need to initialize Firebase and configure Simplytics, specify which classes of analytics and error monitoring services to use:

await Firebase.initializeApp();

  analyticsService: SimplyticsFirebaseAnalyticsService(FirebaseAnalytics.instance),
  crashlogService: SimplyticsFirebaseCrashlogService(FirebaseCrashlytics.instance),

Firebase Debug

Firebase Analytics

To see analytics events in the Firebase Analytics DebugView, you need to run the following command:

adb shell setprop <PACKAGE_NAME>

See the Firebase Analytics documentation for more details.

Firebase Crashlytics

To see the error reports that are sent to Firebase Crashlytics, you need to run the following command:

adb shell setprop log.tag.FirebaseCrashlytics DEBUG

...and to disable the output of these reports to the system log, you must run the following command:

adb shell setprop log.tag.FirebaseCrashlytics INFO


Implementation of Firebase Analytics and Crashlytics services for Simplytics.