tween<T> method

MovieScene tween<T>(
  1. MovieTweenPropertyType property,
  2. Animatable<T> tween, {
  3. Duration? begin,
  4. Duration? duration,
  5. Duration? end,
  6. Curve? curve,

Animates a property and returns the implicitly created scene. The scene can be used to add further properties to the scene or to add further scenes to the movie.


MovieScene tween<T>(
  /// Property to animate
  MovieTweenPropertyType property,

  //// Tween that describes the property animation
  Animatable<T> tween, {

  /// Time in duration at which the scene starts.
  Duration? begin,

  /// Duration of the scene.
  Duration? duration,

  /// Time in duration at which the scene ends.
  Duration? end,

  /// Custom curve for this property animation.
  Curve? curve,
}) =>
    scene(begin: begin, duration: duration, end: end)
        .tween(property, tween, curve: curve);