toJson method

Map<String, dynamic> toJson()

Produces a Map that can be serialized to JSON.


Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
  return {
    'type': type,
    if (uuid != null) 'uuid': uuid,
    if (debugId != null) 'debug_id': debugId,
    if (name != null) 'name': name,
    if (debugFile != null) 'debug_file': debugFile,
    if (codeFile != null) 'code_file': codeFile,
    if (imageAddr != null) 'image_addr': imageAddr,
    if (imageVmAddr != null) 'image_vmaddr': imageVmAddr,
    if (imageSize != null) 'image_size': imageSize,
    if (arch != null) 'arch': arch,
    if (codeId != null) 'code_id': codeId,
    if (cpuType != null) 'cpu_type': cpuType,
    if (cpuSubtype != null) 'cpu_subtype': cpuSubtype,