SentryRequest.fromUri constructor

  1. required Uri uri,
  2. String? method,
  3. String? cookies,
  4. dynamic data,
  5. Map<String, String>? headers,
  6. Map<String, String>? env,
  7. @Deprecated('Will be removed in v7.') Map<String, String>? other,


factory SentryRequest.fromUri({
  required Uri uri,
  String? method,
  String? cookies,
  dynamic data,
  Map<String, String>? headers,
  Map<String, String>? env,
  @Deprecated('Will be removed in v7.') Map<String, String>? other,
}) {
  // As far as I can tell there's no way to get the uri without the query part
  // so we replace it with an empty string.
  final urlWithoutQuery = uri
      .replace(query: '', fragment: '')
      .replaceAll('?', '')
      .replaceAll('#', '');

  // Future proof, Dio does not support it yet and even if passing in the path,
  // the parsing of the uri returns empty.
  final query = uri.query.isEmpty ? null : uri.query;
  final fragment = uri.fragment.isEmpty ? null : uri.fragment;

  return SentryRequest(
    url: urlWithoutQuery,
    fragment: fragment,
    queryString: query,
    method: method,
    cookies: cookies,
    data: data,
    headers: headers,
    env: env,
    // ignore: deprecated_member_use_from_same_package
    other: other,