importDatabaseLines function

Future<Database> importDatabaseLines(
  1. List srcData,
  2. DatabaseFactory dstFactory,
  3. String dstPath, {
  4. SembastCodec? codec,
  5. List<String>? storeNames,

Import the exported data (using exportDatabaseLines) into a new database

An optional storeNames can specify the list of stores to import. If null All stores are exported.


Future<Database> importDatabaseLines(
    List srcData, DatabaseFactory dstFactory, String dstPath,
    {SembastCodec? codec, List<String>? storeNames}) async {
  if (srcData.isEmpty) {
    throw const FormatException('invalid export format (empty)');
  Object? metaMap = srcData.first;
  if (metaMap is Map) {
  } else {
    throw const FormatException('invalid export format header');
  var mapSrcData = newModel();
  metaMap.forEach((key, value) {
    mapSrcData[key as String] = value;

  String? currentStore;
  var keys = <Object?>[];
  var values = <Object?>[];
  var stores = <Object?>[];
  void closeCurrentStore() {
    if (currentStore != null) {
      if (keys.isNotEmpty) {
        final storeExport = <String, Object?>{
          _name: currentStore,
          _keys: List<Object>.from(keys),
          _values: List<Object>.from(values)
        currentStore = null;

  for (var line in srcData.skip(1)) {
    if (line is Map) {
      var storeName = line[_store]?.toString();
      if (storeName != null) {
        currentStore = storeName;
    } else if (currentStore == null) {
      // skipping
    } else if (line is List && currentStore != null) {
      if (line.length >= 2) {
        var key = line[0];
        var value = line[1];
        if (key != null && value != null) {
    } else {
      // skipping
  mapSrcData[_stores] = stores;
  return await importDatabase(mapSrcData, dstFactory, dstPath,
      codec: codec, storeNames: storeNames);