exportDatabaseLines function

Future<List<Object>> exportDatabaseLines(
  1. Database db, {
  2. List<String>? storeNames,

Return the data in an exported format where each item in the list can be JSONified. If simply encoded as list of json string, it makes it suitable to archive a mutable export on a git file system.

An optional storeNames can specify the list of stores to export. If null All stores are exported.


Future<List<Object>> exportDatabaseLines(Database db,
    {List<String>? storeNames}) async {
  var lines = <Object>[];

  await _exportDatabase(db, storeNames: storeNames, exportMeta: (Model map) {
  }, exportStore: (Model map) {
    lines.add(newModel()..[_store] = map[_name]);
    var keys = map[_keys] as List;
    var values = map[_values] as List;
    for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
      lines.add([keys[i], values[i]]);

  return lines;