BufferExtensions<T> extension

Extends the Stream class with the ability to buffer events in various ways



buffer(Stream<void> window) Stream<List<T>>
Creates a Stream where each item is a List containing the items from the source sequence.
bufferCount(int count, [int startBufferEvery = 0]) Stream<List<T>>
Buffers a number of values from the source Stream by count then emits the buffer and clears it, and starts a new buffer each startBufferEvery values. If startBufferEvery is not provided, then new buffers are started immediately at the start of the source and when each buffer closes and is emitted.
bufferTest(bool onTestHandler(T event)) Stream<List<T>>
Creates a Stream where each item is a List containing the items from the source sequence, batched whenever test passes.
bufferTime(Duration duration) Stream<List<T>>
Creates a Stream where each item is a List containing the items from the source sequence, sampled on a time frame with duration.