unconvertJsProps function

Map unconvertJsProps(
  1. dynamic instance

Returns the props for a ReactElement or composite ReactComponent instance, shallow-converted to a Dart Map for convenience.

If style is specified in props, then it too is shallow-converted and included in the returned Map.


Map unconvertJsProps(/* ReactElement|ReactComponent */ instance) {
  final props = Map.from(JsBackedMap.backedBy(instance.props as JsMap));

  // Catch if a Dart component has been passed in. Component (version 1) can be identified by having the "internal"
  // prop. Component2, however, does not have that but can be detected by checking whether or not the style prop is a
  // Map. Because non-Dart components will have a JS Object, it can be assumed that if the style prop is a Map then
  // it is a Dart Component.
  // ignore: deprecated_member_use_from_same_package
  if (props['internal'] is ReactDartComponentInternal || (props['style'] != null && props['style'] is Map)) {
    throw ArgumentError('A Dart Component cannot be passed into unconvertJsProps.');

  // Convert the nested style map so it can be read by Dart code.
  final style = props['style'];
  if (style != null) {
    props['style'] = Map<String, dynamic>.from(JsBackedMap.backedBy(style as JsMap));

  return props;