componentWillUpdate method

  1. @override
  2. @mustCallSuper
  3. @Deprecated('Only supported in the deprecated Component, and not in Component2. See doc comment for more info.')
void componentWillUpdate(
  1. Map nextProps,
  2. Map nextState

ReactJS lifecycle method that is invoked when a Component is receiving new props (nextProps) and/or state (nextState).


This will be removed along with Component in a future major release

Use getSnapshotBeforeUpdate instead as shown in the example below.

// Before
componentWillUpdate(Map nextProps, Map nextState) {
  if (nextProps['someValue'] > props['someValue']) {
    _someInstanceField = deriveNewValueFromNewProps(nextProps['someValue']);

  if (nextState['someStateValue'] != state['someStateValue']) {

// After
getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(Map prevProps, Map prevState) {
  // * The reference to `nextProps` from `componentWillUpdate` should be updated to `props` here
  // * The reference to `props` from `componentWillUpdate` should be updated to `prevProps`.
  if (props['someValue'] > prevProps['someValue']) {
    _someInstanceField = deriveNewValueFromNewProps(props['someValue']);

  // * The reference to `nextState` from `componentWillUpdate` should be updated to `state` here
  // * The reference to `state` from `componentWillUpdate` should be updated to `prevState`.
  if (state['someStateValue'] != prevState['someStateValue']) {

  // NOTE: You could also return a `snapshot` value from this method for later use in `componentDidUpdate`.


@Deprecated('Only supported in the deprecated Component, and not in Component2. See doc comment for more info.')
void componentWillUpdate(Map nextProps, Map nextState) => throw _unsupportedLifecycleError('componentWillUpdate');