Persistent Shopping Cart

Persistent Shopping Cart is a Flutter package that provides a simple and persistent shopping cart functionality for your mobile application. It uses Hive for local storage, making the cart data persist across app sessions.

Demo Preview

Demo Preview


  • Initialization: Easily initialize the shopping cart using init() method.
  • Add to Cart: Add products to the cart with the addToCart method.
  • Remove from Cart: Remove products from the cart using the removeFromCart method.
  • Increment/Decrement Quantity: Adjust the quantity of items in the cart with the incrementCartItemQuantity and decrementCartItemQuantity methods.
  • Calculate Total Price: Get the total price of items in the cart using the calculateTotalPrice method.
  • Get Cart Item Count: Retrieve the total number of items in the cart with the getCartItemCount method.
  • Clear Cart: Remove all items from the cart using the clearCart method.
  • Show Cart Items: Display the cart items using the showCartItems method, providing customizable widgets for each cart item and an empty cart message.
  • Show Cart Item Count Widget: Show a widget displaying the current cart item count using the showCartItemCountWidget method.
  • Show Total Amount Widget: Display a widget showing the total amount of items in the cart with the showTotalAmountWidget method.
  • Show and Update Cart Item Widget: Show a widget that dynamically updates based on whether a product is in the cart or not, using the showAndUpdateCartItemWidget method.
  • Retrieve Cart Data and Total Price: Use getCartData method in the PersistentShoppingCart class to get a list of cart items and the total price.

Getting Started

  1. Import the package in your Dart file:
import 'package:persistent_shopping_cart/persistent_shopping_cart.dart';
  1. Initialize the cart by calling the init method:
await PersistentShoppingCart().init();
  1. Start using the shopping cart functionality in your application!

Example Usage

// Add product to the cart
await PersistentShoppingCart().addToCart(PersistentShoppingCartItem());

// Remove product from the cart
await PersistentShoppingCart().removeFromCart(productId);

// Increment product quantity in the cart
await PersistentShoppingCart().incrementCartItemQuantity(productId);

// Decrement product quantity in the cart
await PersistentShoppingCart().decrementCartItemQuantity(productId);

// Get total price of items in the cart
double totalPrice = PersistentShoppingCart().calculateTotalPrice();

// Get total number of items in the cart
int itemCount = PersistentShoppingCart().getCartItemCount();

// Clear the cart

// Retrieve cart data and total price
Map<String, dynamic> cartData = PersistentShoppingCart().getCartData();
List<PersistentShoppingCartItem> cartItems = cartData['cartItems'];
double totalPriceFromData = cartData['totalPrice'];


Show Cart Items

  cartTileWidget: ({required PersistentShoppingCartItem data}) {
    // Your custom cart item widget
  showEmptyCartMsgWidget: YourEmptyCartMessageWidget(),

Show Cart Item Count Widget

  cartItemCountWidgetBuilder: (int itemCount) {
    // Your custom widget displaying the cart item count

Show Total Amount Widget

  cartTotalAmountWidgetBuilder: (double totalAmount) {
    // Your custom widget displaying the total amount

Show and Update Cart Item Widget

  inCartWidget: YourInCartWidget(),
  notInCartWidget: YourNotInCartWidget(),
  product: yourProduct,


The main library for the persistent shopping cart package. Provides functionality to manage a shopping cart using Hive for local storage.