dartSdkConstraint property

VersionConstraint? dartSdkConstraint


VersionConstraint? get dartSdkConstraint {
  final constraint = _inner.environment?['sdk'];
  // If a package is null safe it should also be compatible with dart 3.
  // Therefore we rewrite a null-safety enabled constraint with the upper
  // bound <3.0.0 to be have upper bound <4.0.0
  if (constraint is VersionRange &&
      constraint.min != null &&
      isNullSafety(constraint.min!) &&
      // <3.0.0 is parsed into a max of 3.0.0-0, so that is what we look for
      // here.
      constraint.max == _version3.firstPreRelease &&
      constraint.includeMax == false) {
    return VersionRange(
      min: constraint.min,
      includeMin: constraint.includeMin,
      // We don't have to use .firstPreRelease as the constructor will do that
      // if needed.
      max: _version4,
  return constraint;